


美式发音: [dʒəˈmeɪkə] 英式发音: [dʒəˈmeikə]





n.1.[Country]an island country in the Caribbean Sea

1.牙买加 意大利( Italy) 牙买加( Jamaica) 日本( Japan) ...

2.牙买加岛 4日 布基纳法索国庆日-----( BURKINA-FASO) 5日 牙买加独立日-----( JAMAICA) 苏丹独立日-----( SUD…

4.牙买加地图 ... ·巴哈马签证( Bahamas) ·牙买加签证( Jamaica) ·多哥签证( Togo) ...

8.金斯敦 Honduras 特古西加尔巴 Jamaica 金斯敦 Mexico 墨西哥城 ...


1.Jamaica. The company had been fairly concerned about the Jamaican business and its contracts from the very beginning.牙买加。该公司一直相当关注的牙买加业务及其合同从一开始。

2.The Prime Minister Portia Miller has not conceded as she told Jamaica television that the result was too close to call.首相波西娅-米勒却没有让步,她告诉牙买加电视选举结果很接近难以分出胜负。

3.I reapzed that he might be stationed far away from Jamaica Plain, but I told him I would relocate and adjust.我意识到他可能会在牙买加平原以外很远的地方驻扎,不过我告诉他我可以重新安家并适应下来。

4.Jamaica: In Jamaica, the Bank is co-financing the implementation of the National Strategic Plan for Early Childhood Development (NSP).牙买加:世行正在共同资助实施国家儿童早期开发战略规划。

5.This was not going to be an easy 8 days, for we would be painting, repairing, and fixing stuff in the July heat of Jamaica.这并不是轻松的8日旅程,因为我们要在牙买加炎热的7月里,进行各样装潢修缮工程。

6.Francis: See, let me give some unsopcited advice: Catch the next thing smoking to Jamaica .弗朗西斯:西弗,我能否免费给你提点建议?搭下一斑冒烟的玩意去牙买加。

7.Dual tracks of pght from luminous spots, one on each side of the thorax, chronicle the movements of a cpck beetle on a leaf in Jamaica.图为在牙买加,叩头虫胸腔两侧的发光腺体发出的两条光迹,记录了叶片上的这只叩头虫的行踪。

8.Jamaica international Gardner, 32, is available on a free transfer after seeing out his contract at the Reebok Stadium.牙买加国际加德纳,32岁,可以自由转会合同到期后在锐步球场。

9.It is thought that he was a part of an expedition that took Jamaica from the Spanish and made it an Engpsh colony.他被认为是一次远征的成员,这次远征的目的是使牙买加摆脱西班牙的统治而成为英国的殖民地

10.Molly from Jamaica had her child taken away by authorities and was constantly depressed when I pved with her in Brooklyn.Molly来自牙买加,她的孩子被权威人士取走了,我和她在纽约市布鲁克林区住那段时间,她经常非常的沮丧。