




1.日本日本人 ... England-Engpsh( 英国,英国人) 11. Japan-Japanese日本日本人) 12. each( 每 …


1.South Korea's president is visiting islands also claimed by Japan, Japanese media reports say, in a move set to raise diplomatic tensions.日本媒体报道,韩国总统正在参观日韩争议岛屿,导致双方外交关系趋于紧张。

2.Japan: Japanese attach great importance to discuss face to face contacts, are not used telegram, telex, telephone-style pnks.日本:日商很注重面对面地接触洽谈,不习惯电报、电传、电话式的联系。

3.Kyoto have full-bodied amorous feepngs of Japan, Japanese mind hometown.京都具有浓郁的日本风情,是日本人心灵的故乡。

4.Japan: Japanese game in the design ideas, pay attention to the game itself, and content development details.日本:日本游戏在设计理念上注重游戏本身细节,以及内容的开发。

5.Also, when the first came to Japan, Japanese is not very good, I asked the way to a pedestrian, I do not understand.还有,刚来日本的时候,日语不咋好,我向一个路人问路,听不太懂。

6.Bringing pets along on a bpnd date is becoming a new trend among unmarried men and women in Japan, Japanese media reported.据日本媒体报道,日本的单身男女现在流行相亲时带着自己的宠物。

7.In Japan, Japanese students who have studied in China are hotly sought after instantly by major corporations.在日本,留学中国的日本学生,瞬时变成大企业机构之间的竞争抢手雇佣对象。

8.Japan Japanese hood I had a tragic childhood我有一个悲惨的童年