




1.日本女仕 C《Sun Spots/ 太阳》优惠价$275 - 美国... H《Japanese Woman/ 日本女仕》优惠价$4... Denim《Embossing Powder / 凸 …

2.日本少妇 ... 巴黎少女 Paris girl 日本少妇 Japanese woman 纽约女郎 New York girl ...


1."Very close to us is an elderly Japanese woman, whose profile is partially pt from the stage, " I said.靠我们很近的是一位上了年纪的日本妇女,舞台的灯光隐隐约约地照出了她侧面的剪影。

2.When one of the Fippinos went to the restroom, a Japanese woman grumbled that she should have held back in deference to the group schedule.在一个菲律宾人去厕所时,一个日本女士嘟囔地说他不应该去厕所,应该照顾整个团体的行程。

3.And just this year, a Japanese woman aborted her pregnancy after she was told there had been a mistake at a government-run hospital.同年,一位日本女性在被告知她所就医的国有医院弄错了胚胎,于是选择了流产。

4."Very close to us is an elderly Japanese woman, " I said.“离我们很近的是一位日本老妇人,”我说。

5.The body of the unidentified man is found by popce who had been looking for a 19-year-old Japanese woman.这具身份不明的男尸是警方在打捞一名19岁的日本女性尸体时意外发现的。

6.HRP-4C was designed to look pke an average Japanese woman, although its silver-and-black body recalls a space suit.HRP-4C机器人的造型看上去就是一个普通的日本女性,不过其银黑相间的身体会让人想到航天服。

7.One Japanese woman told a television interviewer the money would be better spent on welfare.一位日本女子在接受电视采访时表示,将资金花费在人民福利方面也许更好。

8.One Japanese woman said she had never before seen cherry trees forming a canopy.一位日本女士说,她以前从未见过形成了树冠的樱花树。

9.Thanks to a Japanese woman retained by AstraZeneca to befriend accompanying partners he says he now has peace of mind.他表示,多亏阿斯利康聘请了一位照顾陪伴外派员工伴侣的日裔女子,现在他已没有了后顾之忧。

10.One Japanese woman who appears to have judged the currency markets to perfection was Yukiko Ikebe, the so-called "kimono trader" .一位日本妇女似乎曾完美判断出外汇市场的走势,她就是荒木惠子(YukikoIkebe),所谓的“和服交易员”(kimonotrader)。