


美式发音: ['dʒæspər] 英式发音: ['dʒæspə(r)]

n.Karl Jaspers 卡尔雅斯帕尔斯



n.1.Karl Jaspers 卡尔雅斯帕尔斯

n.1.a red, iron-bearing chalcedony.2.a stone that is usually red or brown and is used to make jewellery and ornamentssmall objects for decorating rooms

1.雅斯贝尔斯 ... ) Staikos.K 斯泰克斯 ) Jaspers 雅斯贝斯 ) Smith-Hughes Act 《斯密斯-休斯法》 ...

4.哲学家雅斯贝尔斯 德国哲学家雅斯贝尔斯(Jaspers)在《什么是教育》著作中提出,教育是塑造人类心灵的系统工程,是人与人灵魂的交往。

5.哲学家雅士培德国哲学家雅士培Jaspers)在《危机时代的哲学》中认为:“今天的人们似乎已经放弃所有的内在性,因为在他们看来,似乎 …


7.雅斯尔斯他在海德堡就学于雅斯尔斯 (Jaspers) 门下,并在他那里获得博士学位,在这期间,写下了一本哲学日记《非实存哲学》(Philos…


1.Jaspers ' own Great Philosophers is a sketchy attempt for such a history.雅斯贝尔斯的《大哲学家》正是此一理念的提纲挈领似的尝试。

2.And then Jaspers face was peering in my window, his honey hair silver in the weak moonpght that worked through the clouds.接着,雅斯珀的脸出现在我房间的窗前,他蜜黄色的头发在云层中渗透出来的微弱月光下变幻成银色。

3.Jaspers was a famous humanism educationist of Germany in the 20th Century.雅斯贝尔斯是20世纪德国著名的人本主义教育家。

4.Jaspers's axial age shares close parallels with today.雅斯贝尔斯的轴心时代与今天有着密切的相似之处。

5.The Chinese Civipzation was born in the "Axial Age" --so called by Karl Theodor Jaspers.华夏文明是中华文明的主体,它生成于卡尔·雅斯贝尔斯所说的世界“轴心期”。

6.Cultivation and Transcendence: Jaspers's Idea of the University and Its Enpghtenment生成和超越:雅斯贝尔斯的大学理念及其启示

7.On the Communication Mechanism and Historic Significance of Existence of Karl Jaspers论雅斯贝尔斯的交往机制与生存历史性

8.Jaspers and Heidegger: Unification and Divergence of Philosophical Thinking雅斯贝尔斯与海德格尔:哲学思想的一致与分歧

9.The Educational Ideas in Karl Jaspers'View of Communication and their Enpghtment雅斯贝尔斯交往视界中的教育思想及启示

10.Karl Jaspers's Theory of Communication雅斯贝斯的交往理论