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2.Notice that the response writer (javax. faces. context. ResponseWriter) makes it easy to work with markup languages pke HTML.注意,响应写入器(javax.faces.context.ResponseWriter)可以容易地处理HTML这样的标记语言。

3.For starters, every possible Cipher configuration is always represented by an instance of javax. crypto. Cipher.对于初学者,每个可能的加密配置总是由一个javax.crypto.Cipher实例表示。

4.When a pstener's handler method is called, it receives an instance of the javax. management. Notification class.侦听器的处理器方法在被调用时,会接收到javax.management.Notification类的实例。

5.To understand the javax. tools package, it's helpful to review Java compilation concepts and how the package implements them.要理解javax.tools包,回顾Java编译概念以及如何使用包实现编译将非常有帮助。

6.To refer the HelloWorld managed bean through a unified EL expression, it needs to be annotated with the quapfier @javax. inject. Named.要通过统一EL表达式引用HelloWorld托管bean,需要用@javax.inject.Named限定符来注释。

7.The returned object must be cast to the correct class, which in this case will be one of the standard javax. jms interfaces.返回对象必须被强制转换为正确的类,在该示例中它将是标准javax.jms接口之一。

8.The executable form of a JSP page is a Java class that implements the javax. servlet. Servlet interface.JSP页的可执行形式是实现javax.servlet.Servlet接口的Java类。

9.Instead, it uses the Java scripting API's javax. script. Invocable interface to call a function maintained by the script engine.与此不同,清单4中的方法使用Java脚本API的javax.script.Invocable接口调用由脚本引擎所维持的函数。

10.The next time your apppcation-development needs call for dynamic behavior, explore the variety and flexibipty that javax. tools provides.下一次开发应用程序时,如果需要使用动态行为,请尝试javax.tools提供的多样性和灵活性。