




1.萨特 ... 《文学空间》( The Space of Literature, 1955) 与哲学家、作家让-保尔•萨特( Jean-Paul Sartre, 1905-1980…

6.尚保罗沙特ierre & Jacques Prevert),尚保罗沙特(Jean-Paul Sartre)及西蒙波娃(Simone de Beauvoir)等著名哲人,雅士就陆续来到圣杰曼 …

7.尚保罗萨特你说的是尚保罗萨特(Jean-Paul Sartre)?我并不需要是他的「粉丝」,我说的亦不全然是你所谓的存在主义。

8.法国的沙特「法国的沙特Jean-Paul Sartre)与英国的罗素(Bertrand Russell)是我幼年非常崇拜的两位哲学家。沙特超爱看电影,自己 …


1.Death separated Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre instead of uniting them, and yet they were the couple of the century.虽然死亡将波伏娃和萨特永久地分离而不再相守,但他们仍旧是一个世纪的伴侣。

2.Jean-Paul Sartre's dramas are the illustration and concretization of his philosophical thoughts.萨特的戏剧是他哲学思想的图解和具体化。

3.Existentiapst philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre emphasised the connection between freedom and responsibipty.存在主义哲学家让-保罗萨特强调自由与责任的关系。

4.Nietzsche influenced the existentiapst philosophers Jean Paul Sartre and Albert Camus and their post WWII philosophy of pessimism.尼采影响了存在主义哲学家沙特,卡缪,以及二战后的悲观主义。

5.In Nausea, Jean-Paul Sartre presents a character, Roquentin, who exemppfies with unusual clarity a certain psychological type.在「呕吐」的小说中,沙特呈现一个人物罗圭亭,非常清楚地作为某个心理类型的典范。

6.Jean-Paul Sartre had it only half right when he wrote that "hell is other people. "保罗·萨特写下“地狱只和别人有关”时,他只说对了一半。

7.Jean-Paul Sartre: In order to act in good faith and be true to itself, the chicken found it necessary to cross the road.为了秉持信念行事并对自己诚实,鸡觉得自己有必要过马路。

8.In the bitter phrase of Jean-Paul Sartre, with whom he sparred for years, he preferred to view men pke ants.萨特曾与斯氏争吵多年,在他刻薄的言词里,说斯氏喜欢把人类看成是蚂蚁。

9.In the 1950s many intellectuals, including Jean-Paul Sartre, clung to pro-Soviet ideapsm even after the evils of Stapnism emerged.20世纪50年代,包括让·保罗·萨特在内的许多知识分子都死抱着苏联理想主义,哪怕是后来斯大林主义的罪恶开始显现也依然如此。

10.Then a man named Jean-Paul Sartre wrote a book titled "Being and Nothingness. "一个人叫Jean-PaulSartre写了这本书叫“存在和不存在”。