


美式发音: 英式发音: [dʒi:n]





1.珍妮 《安东》/《 Anton》 《圣女贞德》/《 Jeanne》 《福星小子》/《 Urusei Yatsura …

4.简妮 jane 简 jeanne 简妮 jeanna 简娜 ...

5.让那 5. Suzanne 苏珊妮 7. Jeanne 让那 8. Christiane 克里斯蒂安娜 ...

6.吉茵 Joan( 琼) Jeanne吉茵) Elaine( 依莲) ...

7.尚娜1881年马奈在凡尔赛租了一座别墅,回巴黎途中创作了《尚娜》(Jeanne)或《春天》(1882)。这是一幅女演员马尔西(Jeanne d…


1.Jeanne's bigoted father takes the baby away from her and has it conveyed to a remote nunnery to be reared by the nuns.珍妮固执己见的父亲将小女婴自珍妮那抱走,送至一所遥远的女修道院让修女抚养。

2.When Butler found an opportunity of steapng after her into this place, he found Jeanne silent, dejected, and ready to burst into tears.当巴特勒找到机会偷偷溜进这间屋子时,发现珍妮垂头丧气,沉默无言,简直随时都会失声痛哭。

3.Mathilde had to work hard day and night and bought such a diamond necklace as she had lost to pay back to Jeanne.马帝尔德不得不日日夜夜地干活,来买一个像被她丢掉的那样的钻石项链还给让。

4.Mathilde was very sad even though Jeanne would give her a lot of money . she said she could not get back her beauty.(尽管让娜决定给玛蒂尔德一大笔钱,但玛蒂尔德为她已逝去的青春容颜伤心不已)。

5.Jeanne really cuts a fine figure in her wedding dress.珍穿著她的婚礼礼服真是好看极了。

6.Jeanne Thomas thinks the security system was a terrific investment, and her husband is no longer a "doubting Thomas" .珍妮托马斯认为,保障制度是一个了不起的投资,和她的丈夫已经不再是一个“怀疑托马斯”。

7.Jeanne Gang also is known for her environmentally safe and sensible development.珍妮刚也为她的安全环境和明智的发展。

8.There are no records of whether Harrington was a Rosenwald school. But Jeanne Cyriaque says it represents what the fund was trying to do.哈灵顿是否是Rosenwald捐建的学校并没有记录。但是JeanneCyriaque说,它代表了该基金会一直努力的方向。

9.Jeanne got custody of the children. Paul won visitation rights.Jeanne得到了孩子监护权,Paul赢得了探访权。

10.This time we sent Jeanne Moos out on a pttle story.这次我们派记者吉妮‧莫斯前去作了一则小小的报导。