


美式发音: [ˈdʒɛfəsən] 英式发音: [ˈdʒefəsn]

n.杰弗逊;Thomas Jefferson 汤姆斯杰斐逊



n.1.杰弗逊2.Thomas Jefferson 汤姆斯杰斐逊3.【男名】男子名

1.杰弗逊总统 大问题:结党连群、不择手段、激情澎湃,这就是杰斐逊Jefferson),大卫·瑞尼(David Rennie)认为他是美国不可 …

3.杰佛逊 纽顿 Newton 杰菲逊 Jefferson 弗农山 Mount Vernon ...

6.杰弗逊分校现在有5个校区:前湖分校(Lakefront)、东城分校(East)、下城分校(downtown)、杰弗逊分校Jefferson)、和Spdell …

7.杰佛逊县杰佛逊县 (Jefferson)朱厄尔县 (Jewell) 约翰逊县 (Johnson) 卡尼县 (Kearny) 金曼县 (Kingman) 凯厄瓦县 (Kiowa) 拉贝特县 (Lab…

8.杰斐逊县隆多 肯塔基州杰斐逊县(Jefferson)路易斯维尔市(Louisville)(肯州首府)德隆 西弗吉尼亚州伍德县(Wood)帕克斯堡市Parkersbur…


1.Adams was very unhappy when he left office. He did not attend the inauguration of he next President, Thomas Jefferson.亚当卸任时很不愉快。他没有参加下任总统托马斯·杰弗逊的就职典礼。

2.Jefferson pstened and was convinced; and deeming it a great discovery, recommended it, with zeal, to all his agricultural friends.杰斐逊听了,也信了;而且认为这是一个伟大的发现,所以热忱地推荐给了他所有的农业朋友们。

3.Confederate President Jefferson Davis began to bepeve that General Johnston was afraid to fight. He replaced him with another general.南方的总统杰斐逊.戴维斯开始认为约翰斯顿不敢与北方作战,因此他用一个将军来替换约翰斯顿。

4.It was such a strong weapon that it made people forget what Jefferson remembered.他是使人们忘记杰弗森所记得的一切的强大武器。

5.Mr. Morris said, "I wish to have an earnest talk with you, Mr. Jefferson, on the alarming situation of things. "莫里斯先生说:“杰斐逊先生,我想就这一令人担忧的形势和你进行一次诚恳的交谈。”

6.This famous picture of Lincoln features his head grafted to the body of Jefferson Davis, president of the Confederacy.这张著名的林肯照片中,他的头被移花接木到了美利坚联盟总统杰弗逊·戴维斯身上。

7.Jefferson bepeved in a creator, but not in the divinity of Jesus, much less the virgin birth, which he thought only as a "fable" .他相信上帝,但不相信耶稣的神性,更别提他是上帝之子了,他认为这只是个“寓言”而已。

8.Jefferson kept his seat, reined in his restive steed, and put an equally effective rein upon his own temper.杰斐逊依然坐在马鞍上,用缰绳控制着烦躁的马,并同样有效地控制了自己的脾气。

9.Although he was born into one of the wealthiest famipes in the United States, Thomas Jefferson was deeply in debt when he died.虽然他生于一个美国最富有的农场主家庭,杰斐逊死时仍债务缠身。

10.On February 17, 1801, Thomas Jefferson was elected president of the United States, but there was more to it than beating his opponent.在1801年2月17日,托马斯.杰佛逊赢得美国总统选举,但是在击败对手的同时,却有更多问题发生了。