


美式发音: 英式发音: ['dʒeŋkinz]






na.1.The variant of Jenkin

1.詹金斯 ... Ortiz 奥提兹 Jenkins 杰金斯 Gutierrez 古铁雷兹 ...

5.詹肯斯 ... Jelly-Legs Jinx: 软腿咒 Jenkins詹肯斯 Joey: 乔艾 ...

6.珍金斯珍金斯Jenkins)教授将具有正常饮食习惯的人分成两组:第一组人每天吃传统的一日三餐;另一组人采用少食多餐的办法, …

7.詹金斯号詹金斯号Jenkins)DD4471946.05.01退役,1951.11.02重新服役,1969年再次退役,1971.02.17解体;发消息 拉·瓦利特号…

8.詹京斯詹京斯Jenkins):《后现代历史学:从卡耳和艾尔顿到罗狄与怀特》,台北,麦田出版,2000。柯林伍德:《历史的观念》 …


1.Jenkins then found a case of beer strapped to the lawnmower 's front, court records show.简金斯发现,锄草机正前方捆绑著一箩筐的啤酒。

2.Jenkins would put out a story that you were dead-that you had died of a heart attack or were stabbed to death.沃尔登詹肯会编造一段情节,说你死了,因心脏病发作死了,或者说遇刺身死。

3.I'm sorry, Ms. Jenkins is away from her desk. She has already left for lunch. Would you pke to leave a message for her?非常抱歉,詹金思小姐现在不在办公室。她去吃午饭了。您愿意给她留个口信?。

4.Prosecutors said the two checked into a San Diego hotel last Thursday, and Jenkins checked out the next morning.检察官说,上周四这2人到圣地亚哥酒店登记,第二天早上詹金斯登记离开。

5.The answer seems to be that it depends on whether we feel we identify with that person or not, Jenkins says.她自己给出了答案:这似乎取决于我们是否能在对方身上找到认同感。

6.Friends said Mr Ricci had acknowledged that he gave off "too much heat and pght" for Mr Jenkins' new, measured tone of management.友人表示,瑞西曾经承认,相对于詹金斯较为稳重的新型管理风格,自己的表现有些“过于高调”。

7.Mr Jenkins made me feel that I could do things. I was interested in astronomy and he asked me to give a presentation to the class.詹金斯先生让我觉得自己能做事情:我对天文学感兴趣,他就让我给班里做演示。

8.Simon Jenkins says he hopes the Olympics will expose "the true nature of the Beijing regime" .英国专栏作家西蒙·詹金斯说,他希望奥运会能暴露“北京政权的真面目”。

9.Councillor Jenkins, the leader of the council, stated that the report wound be examined at the next meeting .兼任政务委员会领导的詹金斯委员说该报告将在下次会议上审查。

10.Judge Jenkins found that the potential discrimination was big enough to affect women as a class.詹金斯法官发现,这一潜在的歧视非常巨大,影响到女性以集团进行诉讼。