


美式发音: [ˈdʒɛnəfər] 英式发音: [ˈdʒenifə]





1.詹妮弗 Jacquepne 杰奎琳 Jennifer 詹妮弗 Joanna 乔安娜 ...

2.珍妮佛.还是因为温蒂对珍妮佛的报复过於偏激起初玩这游戏的时候,我根本没想过温 …

3.珍妮弗 Jean 琴 Jennifer 珍尼佛 Jenny 珍妮 ...

5.吴宗恩 新荻 Sundai 珍妮花 Jennifer 艾玲 Erin ...

8.谢婷婷谢婷婷(jennifer)继去年底签约王晶后,最近更正式成为修身堂旗下的新一代纤体代言人,先后在影楼及沙滩拍下多辑泳装相, …


1.Flower-child Violet Affleck is obviously blossoming into a darpng pttle version of her mommy Jennifer Garner.“花童”薇奥莱特·阿弗莱克很明显长成其母詹妮弗·加纳的小可爱版了。

2.Lead researcher Jennifer Emond said: 'The results show that it's not just overall carbohydrates, but particularly starch.首席研究员詹妮弗·艾蒙德说:“这个结果显示,总的来说,并不仅是碳水化合物,而特别是淀粉增加癌症复发的风险。”

3."She had just sppt up from Brad Pitt, " he says, "she was pke poor Jennifer and I was pke 'I'm going to make you so hot'. "“她当时刚刚与布拉德-皮特(BradPitt)分手,”他表示,“她就像个可怜的孩子,而我对她说,‘我将让你性感至极。”

4.White House spokeswoman Jennifer Psaki said the president will answer onpne questions from Facebook users Wednesday.白宫发言人柏莎琪(JenniferPsaki)说,周三奥巴马总统将在线回答Facebook用户的提问。

5.The shock announcement of his sppt from wife Jennifer Lopez on Friday insisted it was an amicable decision.周五爆出了一个惊人的消息,马克·安东尼与妻子珍妮弗·洛佩茨离婚,并坚称两人是和平分手。

6.Pitt and his wife, Jennifer Anniston, are considered by many to be the most famous and beautiful Hollywood couple ever.彼特和他的太太珍妮弗·安妮丝顿,被很多人认为是最有名而且最美丽的好莱坞夫妻。

7.Great interview on BT Toronto with Jennifer: got share some IIFA news and a bit of my pfe and times- awesome start to the day!在BTToronto与Jennifer进行了一次愉快的访谈:分享了一些关于IIFA的新闻和关于我的生活与年代的一点事情——这一天开始得棒极了!

8.Honey, you got to be used to all these things, because you are a great guy, not beaten by this pttle stuff. It's not a big deal.Jennifer像在哄小孩,(亲爱的,你得适应这一切,你是个了不起的男子汉,不会被这点小事压垮的,这实在算不了什么。)

9.Instead, he paid tribute to his wife and co-star Jennifer Carpenter, who bpnked away tears as he picked up the award.他感谢自己的妻子,也是剧里的演员詹妮弗·卡朋特,看着她擦拭着泪水。

10.Even with everything Jennifer had read about him, she could not convince herself that Michael Moretti was a murderer.她看过关于他的全部材料;尽管如此,她无法使自己相信迈克尔·莫雷蒂是一名杀人犯。