




1.赫雷斯 9. Lavapiés 拉伐皮厄,马德里市一地区 2. Jerez 耶雷兹,吉普赛舞曲 4. Navarra 纳瓦 …


1.After testing in Jerez I had a couple of days to enjoy the beautiful Finnish summer in the sea with the boat.在赫雷斯的测试后我在芬兰坐船出海度过了几天美好的夏天。

2.Currently the programme is in stage 1. For now only a few pieces of kit have been installed in Jerez Black, the colour of the exterior.目前节目在阶段1。成套工具仅一些个片断在赫雷斯黑色暂时被安装了,外部的颜色。

3.Q. You mentioned at the Jerez test that you were still not at the pmit with new tyres . Do you think there is more to come?在赫雷兹的测试中你说你还没有把新的轮胎推到极限,你觉得还有更多提升空间么?

4.The daily Diario de Jerez reported the girl was already pregnant when she arrived in Spain, but did not say when she came to this country.赫雷斯日报报道说,这个女孩来到西班牙时已经怀有身孕,但没有告诉别人。

5.Ferrari will be back in action next week as a four-day test at the Spanish circuit of Jerez gets underway from Wednesday.法拉利的活动,将要从下周三开始,从在斯帕赫雷兹环形赛道上完成四天的测试开始。

6.While visiting the town of Jerez in Spain, I had a terrible headache but couldn't find an open pharmacy for an entire Thursday afternoon.游览西班牙杰里兹城的星期四,我突然头痛不已,但是找了一个下午都没有找到一家开门营业的药店。

7.dry to sweet amber wine from the Jerez region of southern Spain or similar wines produced elsewhere; usually drunk as an aperitif.来源于西班牙南部赫雷斯地区的琥珀色的甜酒或其他地区制造的类似的酒。

8.A fairly large delegation of Chinese media , among them CCTV, will join Ho-Pin Tung in Jerez to cover the laps of the young Chinese driver.中国媒体将派出大量人员,包括CCTV,将和董荷斌一起来到赫雷兹,全程目睹这位年轻的中国车手的表现。

9.Schumacher's illegal manoeuvre at Jerez cost him dear - he was formally stripped of his standings for 1997.舒马赫在赫雷斯的违规策略使他付出了昂贵的代价——他被正式剥夺1997年的成绩排名。

10.Q. Things seem very close in Bahrain but not so in Jerez . Do you know why that could be?情况很接近巴林但并不是在赫雷兹,你知道为什么会那样吗?