


美式发音: ['dʒeri] 英式发音: ['dʒeri]







1.德国佬,德国鬼子(尤用于第一、二次世界大战期间)an offensive word for a person from Germany, used especially during the First and Second World Wars



n.1.an insulting word for a German

1.言承旭 Jerome 哲罗姆 拉丁 神圣的名字 Jerry 杰理 拉丁 神圣的名字 Jim 吉姆 拉丁 取而代之者 ...

5.黄志玮 Johnny 译名约翰尼。 Jerry 译名杰里; 杰理; 杰丽。 Jimmy 译名吉米。 ...


1.Lakers owner Dr. Jerry Buss, Kupchak and Jackson will sit down in the next couple of days to assess the team's future.过几天,湖人老板巴斯、库普切克和杰克逊将会静心坐下来商讨下球队的未来。

2.GEORGE: I need a brake, Jerry, ya know, I gotta get out of the city, I feel so cramped. . .乔治:我晕!杰瑞,你知道吗,我必须离开这座城市,我感觉很压抑……

3.Adding to my surprise was the fact that Jerry had none of the risk factors associated with a lung abscess.更让我惊讶的是Jerry没有任何导致肺脓肿的危险因素。

4.Students had been told to stay on campus, but Jerry wanted to see what was happening.当时校方要求学生待在校园里,但杰瑞却想出去看看究竟发生了什麽事。

5.For a long time, the idea of galloping with the breeze in his mane was just a dream for Jerry.长期以来,对于杰瑞来说,让自己乘风飞奔,鬓毛飞扬,就是一个梦。

6.Jerry: Yes, it looks great. The only problem we might have is with the termination clause.是的,很好.唯一有问题的是终止合同的那一条。

7.Jerry Falkner said he "heard glass breaking" and "thought someone was breaking in, " after the deer smashed through a window.杰瑞·福克纳说,当这只鹿破窗而入的时候,他“听到玻璃破碎的声音,还以为是有人擅闯民宅”。

8.Jerry saw his dog pmping on a bloody leg and jumped to the conclusion that it had been shot.杰瑞见他的狗跛着一条流血的腿,就匆忙断定它被射伤了。

9.Jerry always tells Laura how much he loves her, but when he has any chance, he never hesitates to cheat on her.Jerry总是口口声声告诉Laura他有多爱她,可是他一旦有机会,毫不犹豫就会去做对不起她的事情。

10.JERRY: I'm worried I won't be able to talk to him. He's such a great writer. Frankly, I perfer the company of nitwits .杰瑞:我有点担心我很难跟他交流。他是如此出色的作家。坦率地说,我更希望和笨蛋待着。