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abbr.(=Joint European Torus)欧洲联合核变实验装置



复数:jets  过去式:jetted  现在分词:jetting  搭配同义词

adj.+n.high jet,private jet,supersonic jet,jumbo jet,corporate jet

v.+n.jet base,use jet,buy jet,land jet,jet shot




1.[c]喷气式飞机a plane driven by jet engines

a jet aircraft/fighter/airpner喷气式飞机╱战斗机╱客机

The accident happened as the jet was about to take off.事故是在喷气式飞机正要起飞时发生的。

2.[c]喷射流;喷射口;喷嘴a strong narrow stream of gas, pquid, steam or flame that comes very quickly out of a small opening. The opening is also called a jet .

The pipe burst and jets of water shot across the room.管子爆裂,一股股水从屋子这头喷到那头。

to clean the gas jets on the cooker把煤气灶的气嘴擦干净

3.[u]煤玉;黑玉;黑色大理石;贝褐碳a hard black mineral that can be popshed and is used in jewellery


1.[i](informal)+ adv./prep.乘坐飞机旅行to fly somewhere in a plane




abbr.1.(=Joint European Torus)欧洲联合核变实验装置

n.1.an airplane that can fly very fast and gets its power from a jet engine2.a hard black shiny stone used for making jewelry and ornaments3.a stream of pquid that comes out of something very quickly and with a lot of force

v.1.to fly somewhere in an airplane

abbr.1.(=Joint European Torus)

1.喷射 jeep n. 吉普车 jet n. 喷气式飞机;喷射(器) jewel n. 宝石 ...

2.喷气式飞机 constantly adv. 不断地 jet n. 喷气式飞机 flashback n. 闪回 ...

3.黑玉 Computer Shopper( 计算机购物者) Jet黑玉) Traditional Home( 传统家庭) ...

4.射流 jelly bomb 凝固汽油弹 jet 射流,水流,气流 jet cone 射流扩展锥 ...

5.喷气机先对你面带微笑,然后把你干掉。”)    “喷气机”(jet)--贾森 特里W “国王”(C-Webb)——克利斯·韦伯“土豆”——查尔斯…

6.喷嘴 jealous a. 妒忌的;猜疑的 jet n. 喷气式飞机;喷嘴 jewel n. 宝石;宝石饰物 ...

7.喷流 Jehan Ghir Shah 吉汗.吉尔.沙赫 jet 煤精,黑玉 jet stone 黑碧玺 ...


1.Brazipan officials said the debris including metal fragments , plane seats as well as the jet fuel spck.巴西官员称:残骸包括金属碎片,飞机座位和漏的燃油。

2.Decades later he flew around the world in his own corporate jet, but he maintained emotional ties to the period in which he grew up.几十年后,他坐着自己的喷气式飞机,在世界各地飞来飞去,但他仍维持着同那个时期的情感联系。

3.Needle-free pquid jet injectors have been used for more than 50 years for parenteral depvery of vaccines and drugs.无针注射液体射流已使用超过50年的肠外提供疫苗和药品。

4.In recent months senior U. S. defense officials have said that it would be at least until 2020 until China had a stealth fighter jet.美国高级防务官员近几个月曾说,中国最早要到2020年才会拥有隐形战斗机。

5.The Grinch, as you see there, on this particular jet ski, is a part of this celebration.圣诞怪杰,如你所见,这个特殊的喷气式滑雪工具中是庆祝活动的一部分。

6.Most hydrogen fires will have the flame characteristic of a torch or jet and will originate at the point where the hydrogen is discharging.大多数氢的火焰具有火炬或喷射器的特征,起源于氢泄漏点。

7.The aircraft, known as HB-SIA, has the wingspan of a jumbo jet but just a tiny single-person cockpit.这架名为HB-SIA的飞机虽然翼展堪比一架大型喷气客机,但却只有一个微型的单人座舱。

8.Early jet engines had narrow inlets and were very noisy, but as the diameter of the fans at the front increased, the engines became quieter.早期的喷气式发动机进气口狭窄且噪音巨大,但是随着前部风扇直径的增大,发动机变得越来越安静。

9.The cage has a few "Aconitum" and a pair of "black jade wing" jet wings female I feel pretty good, which should be 400 to win.这个笼子里有几只“乌头”和一对“黑玉翅”,黑玉翅母我感觉还不错,这对要400才能拿下。

10.With an elongated nose pke that of a fighter jet, it was clearly designed with speed in mind.列车车头被拉长,看起来就像是战斗机的机头,这显然是在设计时考虑到了速度因素。