




1.嘉嘉高尔夫球心制品 亲家妈 qinggo-m-mo 姐姐jiajia 姐夫: jiafu ...

3.美美 共有7张图片 yeyatouniuniu 5-18 美美 JIAJIA 共有6张图片 caropneko 5-17 ...

4.瓶颈 ... CC (越来越失控) 2012-10-20 22:35:33 jiajia (瓶颈……) 2012-10-20 23:05:23 simo 喵 2012-10-28 15:58:2…

5.虫子 泠棂 pnkwine 3-28 虫子 jiajia 3-28 颜夕_ house 3-27 ...

6.爱是什麽 ... 香格里拉 、 金妍儿 、 录音 、 V6 、 黄色夹克 、 爱是什麽JiaJia 、 填空 、 家家 、 Kis…

7.佳县 HGUJ 横山县 JIAJIA 佳县 UFMU 神木县 ...

8.郏县 PYDYU 平顶山市 JIAJIA 郏县 YEYE 叶县 ...


1.Jiajia, I know how devoted you are to your mother and sister and how much you want to be able to help them have a better pfe.朱丽叶,我知道你很愿意为你妈妈和妹妹做出你的努力,你也会帮助他们的。

2.Jiajia, it is a bolt from the blue that you were wounded, and I was pain to the core for your injury.佳佳,你受伤的消息简直就是晴空霹雳,令我痛心不已。

3.A. The Jiajia Central Kindergarten is going to recruit new babies into their junior classes next weekend.佳佳中心幼儿园下周末接受新小班学员报名了。

4.Jiajia Te Swastika net price for your ticket booking service extremely helpful!嘉嘉特价机票网卐为您服务订票的好帮手!

5.Film starring dai jiajia is still at the scene improvisational performance a period of Spain, DouNiuWu applause.影片主演戴佳佳还在现场即兴表演了一段西班牙斗牛舞,赢得阵阵掌声。

6.Jia stopped the bus on an obscure section of road. Ren got off. Popce allege Jia raped Jiajia on the bus.贾某将车停在了一段僻静的路边,这时任某从车上下来。警方说贾某这个时候在车上强奸了佳佳。

7.But I need help from you and Jiajia.但需要你和佳佳帮忙。

8.Shanghai Jiajia Chemical Products Co, Ltd is incorporate scientific research, produce, sells the Three-in-One compound type enterprise.上海嘉佳化工制品有限公司是集科研、生产、销售三位一体的复合型企业。

9.Jiajia Le, our new-comer-welcoming ceremony followed, members cooperated well.跟随而来的是欢迎新人的夹夹乐,合作不错啊!

10.B. Yes, I have heard that. Jiajia is a good one, and luckily, my neighborhood is included in its recruiting area.是的,我听说了;佳佳挺不错的,而且我们小区正好属于其招生范围。