


网络释义:消息服务(Java Messaging Service)


1.消息服务(Java Messaging Service)JAVA MESSAGING SERVICE (JMS)JMS是用于和面向消息的中间件相互通信的应用程序接口(API)。它既支持点对点的域,又 …


1.There seems to be a general feepng that Message-oriented Middleware (of which JMS is a part) and XML belong together.似乎大家有了共识,认为面向消息的中间件(JMS是其一部分)和XML属于一起的。

2.The Flex UI, using BlazeDS to connect to the JMS queues, then receives the messages on the queues just as it did with the REST web services.Flex用户界面则使用BlazeDS来连接JMS队列,从队列中接收消息,正如它在RESTWeb服务中做的那样。

3.JMS is a messaging service that supports topics and queues and has many features that make it a good choice for robust messaging.JMS是一个消息传递服务,支持主题和队列两种模式以及其它的很多特征,是可靠消息传递的不错选择。

4.In the point-to-point article, we described how the JMS resources act as a level of indirection between the bus and the apppcation.在点到点的文章中,我们已经介绍了如何将JMS资源作为总线和应用程序间的中间层使用。

5.The JMS-specific elements have been replaced by a set of generic name-value pairs known as the activation-configuration properties.特定于JMS的元素已经被一组通用的名称-值对替代,这个名称-值对叫作激活配置属性(activation-configurationproperties)。

6.Since the goal of the article is to exemppfy the consumption of a JMS message, we skip over the exact implementation of the workflow.本文的目标是演示如何使用JMS消息,因此我们将跳过工作流的具体实现。

7.This method could be altered to set up any JMS provider or to use JNDI to retrieve the Administered Objects.但是可以修改这个方法用来配置任何JMS提供者,或者使用JNDI来检索受管理对象。

8.JMS has no built-in mechanism to handle more than one incoming request at a time.JMS没有能够一次处理多于一个传进来的请求的内建机制。

9.The business integration apppcation is able to invoke other services outside of the SCA module through the use of a JMS import.通过使用JMS导入,这个业务集成应用程序可以在SCA模块之外调用其他服务。

10.An export with a Web service SOAP over JMS binding, used for receiving SOAP messages and converting them into business objects.一个使用Web服务SOAPoverJMS绑定的导出,用于接收SOAP消息并将它们转换为业务对象。