


美式发音: ['dʒəʊnzɪz] 英式发音: ['dʒəʊnzɪz]



jonesesIDMkeep up with the Joneses(informal)(与朋友和邻居在物质和社会成就方面)攀比,比富有,比排场,比阔气to try to have all the possessions and social achievements that your friends and neighbours have

np.1.neighbors, especially somebody's next-door neighbors

1.地位相等者 ... Jones 琼斯 Joneses 地位相等者 jonnick 诚实的 ...


1.Edward is always trying to keep up with the Joneses.爱德华老是不断地和邻居比较。

2.The poor fellow went broke because his wife was always trying to keep up with the Joneses.那个可怜的家伙破产了,因为他的妻子老是与左邻右舍比排场比阔气。

3.Stuff will not enrich your pfe. It's so very easy to find yourself "keeping up with the Joneses" , succumbing to pfestyle inflation.物质不会丰富你的生活,很快你就发现自己在跟别人攀比,开始屈从于膨胀的生活方式。

4.oh, please. Stop trying to keep up with the Joneses. You know you can't afford it.摆脱,不要跟别人攀比了,你知道你买不起的。

5.My son-in-law has bought a second car, but it's merely to keep up with the Joneses because his wife can't even drive.我女婿买了辆二手货汽车,但那只不过是为了与他的邻居争个高低而已,因为他妻子甚至于连车也不会开。

6.As it happened one of the maids had relations pving in the small market town where the Joneses resided .碰巧当时有个女仆的亲戚也住在那个市镇并与琼斯先生很近。

7.Mr. Green told his wife to stop buying every new thing that was advertised to keep up with the Joneses.格林先生告诉他的妻子不要为攀比邻居而去买广告登出的每样新东西。

8.While keeping up with the Joneses is part of American culture, comparing ourselves with others can be damaging to Happiness and self-esteem.虽然跟上琼斯是美国文化的一部分,但是拿自己和别人比较会破坏幸福感和影响自尊。

9.Advertising encourages consumers to "keep up with the Joneses" , namely, it creates an acquisitive society and a demand for material things.广告鼓励消费者攀比,换句话说,广告创造出一个贪婪的社会及对物质的需求。

10.We've got to hand it to the Joneses, they have the most beautiful house in the neighborhood.我们承认钟斯一家真了不得,他们拥有邻近最漂亮的房子。