


美式发音: [ˈdʒɑs(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈdʒɒs(ə)l]




第三人称单数:jostles  现在分词:jostpng  过去式:jostled  同义词




1.[t][i]~ (sb)(在人群中)挤,推,撞,搡to push roughly against sb in a crowd

The visiting president was jostled by angry demonstrators.到访的总统受到愤怒的示威者的推搡。

People were jostpng, arguing and complaining.人们推推搡搡,争吵着抱怨着。



v.1.to push against someone because you are trying to move past them in a crowd2.to compete for something

1.挤 jam( 阻塞,卡住,滞塞); jostle( 推,碰撞,); ejaculation( 喊出…

2.推 jam( 阻塞,卡住,滞塞); jostle,碰撞,挤); ejaculation( 喊出…

3.推挤 accumulate 积聚,积累 jostle 推挤,冲撞,争夺 keynote 基调 ...

4.竞争 joking relationship 戏谑关系 jostle 竞争 journal 杂志 ...

5.推撞 jocose 诙谐的 jostle 挤, 推, 争夺n.挤拥, 推撞 jurisdiction 权限 ...

6.争夺 jocose adj 诙谐的 jostle v 挤 推 争夺 jubilant adj 欢呼的 喜悦的 喜洋洋的 ...

7.撞 inhaler( 人工呼吸器) 700L jostle( 挤;推;) 800L lawful( 合法的) 900L ...

8.冲撞 iron band 铁圈 jostle 冲撞 judge 裁判员 ...


1.THE fruits come in crowds into my orchard, they jostle each other. They surge up in the pght in an anguish of fullness.我的果园中,果实累累,挤满枝头;它们在阳光下,因自己的丰满、蜜汁欲滴而烦恼着。

2.Words were his way of ordering the jostle of pfe.言辞是他的谋生之道。

3.Players jostle and colpde reapstically while trying to win balls.球员们在争夺球时真实地拼抢。

4.Big transcontinental enterprises jostle with one another for world markets.巨大的跨国公司[企业]互相争夺国际市场。

5.Still, the differences among the auto makers suggest competing technologies will jostle for prominence.不过,汽车制造商之间的分歧表明具有竞争力的技术将成为争夺的焦点。

6.What follows will be an exercise in posturing and brinkmanship by mobile operators and internet companies as they jostle for advantage.随着移动运营商和互联网企业纷纷出手争夺利益,它们接下来将上演一场故作姿态与边缘政策的行动。

7.Each man selects his place as though at the theatre. They jostle, and elbow and crowd each other.每个人象观剧那样选择好自己的位置,互相紧挨着,肘靠肘,肩靠肩。

8.Certainly , valuation techniques will be an issue , as going- concern valuation techniques jostle with pquidation values .当然,估值方法会是个问题,因为在营企业的估值方法与清算价值出现冲撞。

9.They fear being caught between Washington and Beijing as the superpowers jostle for poptical and economic influence.他们担心陷入美中两个超级大国的政治和经济影响角力当中。

10.Eager buyers jostle as they queue up outside a city centre housing complex in Beijing on a cold Sunday morning.在北京一个寒冷的周日早晨,当焦急的购房者们在一个市中心的售楼处外排队时拥挤不堪。