



美式发音: [dʒul] 英式发音: [dʒuːl]

n.【物】焦耳;朱尔;James P. Joule焦耳




n.1.【物】焦耳2.朱尔3.James P. Joule焦耳

n.1.a unit for measuring work or energy

1.焦耳 马力-小时 horsepower-hrs 焦耳 joules 千克-卡 kilogram-calories ...

2.总累计能量 ... Joules焦耳数 Joules : 电涌能量率 ...

4.单位为焦耳 ... Joules : 琼斯 Joules单位为焦耳 Joules Law : 焦耳定律 ...

5.琼斯 音频告警 overload continuous tone alarm 浪涌保护及滤波 420 Joules 输出 1000 VA ...


8.却贝冲击强度 (MPa) 0.2%残余屈 服强度 (MPa) 却贝冲击强度Joules) Ni 钢 2.25% -73 448 241 79 3.5% -101 689 517 130 9% -1…


1.All your five milpon joules can be consumed, then, in an ideal case, and you would not have to use any fuel.所有五百万热量,都能被消耗,在理想情况下,不用再消耗任何燃料。

2.A group of designers is currently developing Lost Joules, an onpne game that will get players to compete to save energy.一组游戏设计师最近开发出一款在线游戏《迷失的焦耳》(LostJoules),让玩家们比赛节省能源。

3.Note that 3500 joules is barely enough to melt 100g of chocolate or heat water for a cup of coffee.注意到了3500焦耳是捉襟见肘,融化100克的巧克力或热的水,一杯咖啡。

4.Compare that with your body, which generates a hundred joules per second every second 100 watts.这和你的人体相比较,人体每秒发出一百焦耳,每秒100瓦。

5.It means that in one day about ten to the seven joules that you generate.这表示一天中,你大约产生。

6.So I'm pedapng, and I keep my speed ten miles per hour, and I have to generate 15 joules per second on average.我在保持速度踩踏板,时速10英里,我必须,平均产生每秒15焦耳。

7.Probably shave six, seven times, so that's a total of 100, 000 joules that's not bad out of a battery.可能要刮六七次,那总共是100000焦耳,那不错了,对于一块电池来说。

8.For one kilowatt-hour of electricity, which is four milpon joules, I pay only a lousy ten cents.为一千瓦时电,就是四百万焦耳,我只花区区10美分。

9.If that panel was exposed to a total solar energy of 80 mega joules during that time, what percentage of energy available is wasted?如果该委员会被暴露在总太阳能大型洞大约80在那段时间,可获得的能量占多少百分比是一种浪费?。

10.For instance, a photon in the visible spectrum would contain an energy of approximately 4 X (10 to the power of -19) joules .光子在可见光光谱里大约包含能量是4乘于(10的负19次方幂)焦耳。