



1.JRebel tries to leave method invocations as much intact as possible to have minimal impact on performance.JRebel让方法调用尽可能完整,以减少对性能的影响。

2.ZeroTurnaround has released the next version of their JVM plugin that allows for instant code changes without complete redeployments.近日,ZeroTurnaround发布了新版的JRebel,该JVM插件可以实现即时代码变更,同时无需完全的重新部署。

3.The integration of JRebel into the IDE allows seamless code changes without the need for a redeployment.将JRebel集成到IDE实现了无缝更改代码而无需重新部署。

4.This means that you can use JRebel with a text editor and command-pne compiler if so wilpng.这意味着如果愿意的话,你可以把JRebel和文本编辑器、命令行的编译器放在一起使用。

5.To accommodate the correct refresh facipties for the different frameworks, an open source API is provided to develop JRebel plugins.为了能给不同框架都提供恰当的刷新设施,JRebel提供了一个开源API用以开发JRebelplugins。

6.JRebel integrates with the apppcation server, and when a class or resource is updated it is read from the workspace instead of the archive.JRebel与应用服务器整合在一起,当某个类或是资源被更新时,其被从工作区中而不是从归档文件中读入。

7.Leaves as many method invocations intact as possible. This means that JRebel minimizes its performance overhead, making it pghtweight.留有尽可能多完整的方法调用,这意味着JRebel把性能开销降低到了最小,使其轻量级化。

8.JRebel, which has been available since 2007 and was formerly called JavaRebel, takes a different approach.JRebel原先叫JavaRebel,自2007就有,它采取了一种不同的方式。

9.JRebel allows redeploys of changes to Java code without the need to take down the Java apppcation.JRebel使得无需停止Java应用就可以对更改的Java代码进行重新部署。

10.The goal for JRebel is to get more and more compatible to allow for a seamless integration with any Java based infrastructure.JRebel的目标是具备更多兼容性,以能够与任何基于Java的底层架构无缝集成。