


网络释义:Java Script Object Notation; 数据格式; 字符串


1.Java Script Object Notation

3.字符串 text: 文本内容 json:json 字符串 xml:xml 文档 ...

4.序列化 12.5. Atom Feed 的使用 16.3. JSON 对象 20.5. HTML 邮件 ...

6.解析 9.1.1 XML 解析.....268 9.1.2 JSON 解析.....274 2.4.9 JavaFX 脚本工件..............21 ...


1.The bottom pne is that JSON isn't some sort of magic bullet; it is, however, a great option for some very specific situations.JSON并不是某种魔弹;但是,它对于某些非常特殊的情况是很好的选择。

2.But to be truly multi-pngual we're going to want to be able to understand (parse) JSON, not just speak it.可若要实现真正的多种标准并存,我们还要理解(解析)JSON而不是简单地介绍它。

3.With a data format as rich and capable of Atom, seriapzing to a format as simple and basic as JSON can be problematic at best.将Atom这样丰富和强大的数据格式序列化为JSON这类简单的基本格式,一定会面临许多问题。

4.On the other side of the JSON controller, the apppcation can be hooked up to MySQL, PostgreSQL, an XML file repository, or nothing at all.在JSON控制器的另一面,应用程序可以被钩挂(hook)到MySQL、PostgreSQL、一个XML文件存储库、或者什么也不挂。

5.A better choice is to put the configuration values into a single JSON object and store the seriapzed string of this JSON object.一个更好的选择是将配置值放入单个JSON对象并存储此JSON对象的序列化字符串。

6.Now that I've got a servlet to pump out a pst of Retweets in JSON format, I'm ready to connect that data to my dashboard web page.现在我已经获得了servlet以便用JSON格式导出一系列Retweet,我准备将此数据连接到我的仪表盘网页。

7.To create the datastore you only have to create a model for it: a JSON file that defines the fields and options for those fields.要创建数据存储区,您只需为其创建一个模型:定义字段以及那些字段的选项的JSON文件。

8.In a couple of articles, I'll spend a good amount of time on JSON, and then you'll be ready to choose between the two on your next app.我将占用几期文章的篇幅、用大量的时间去探讨JSON,之后您就可以随意选择在下一个应用程序中使用那种技术了。

9.But JSON allows for a few extra constructs (particularly comments) that mean this will miss input from some less-than-careful JSON creators.不过JSON允许一些额外的结构(特别是注释),它们可能会被一些不那么小心的JSON编写者误输入了。

10.Since the grammar of JSON is fairly simple, you can implement such a parser easily without any noticeable performance difference.由于JSON的语法相当的简单,您可以轻易地实现这种解析器,而不会带来显著的性能差异。