


美式发音: 英式发音: [dʒʌd]






1.贾德 Joyce 乔伊斯 Judd 贾德 Judith 朱迪思 ...

2.贾德氏 ... John,Elton 艾尔顿·约翰 Judd 贾德演唱组 Kinston Trio 金斯顿三人合唱组 ...

4.被赞扬 Josiah 上帝的火 Judd 被赞扬 Jude 赞扬 ...

5.朱德 ... data-original-title="Judah- 犹大" data-original-title="Judd- 朱德" data-original-title="Judith- 朱蒂丝" ...


1.As Ashley Judd puts it when I interview her on the phone from her ranch in Tennessee, "The best exists inside of me as well as the worst. "正如我电话采访在田纳西农场上的艾希礼?扎德时,她所说的:“在我里面存在着最好的,也同样存在着最坏的。”

2.Judd runs the Starpght Hotel out in some sort of swampy place, and is unfortunately a few spces short of a loaf.朱迪运行星光酒店在某种沼泽的地方,不幸的是,一些短期的切片面包。

3.His mother (Ashley Judd), though busy with work and trying to support the two of them, does her best to help him and show she cares.索耶的妈妈(艾什莉•贾德饰)终日忙于工作以养家糊口,但她仍然竭尽所能地帮助他走出困境,让他感受到母亲的爱。

4.Try to recollect the dream and then store it in your memory by giving it a name pke "Late for an Exam" or "My Date with Ashley Judd. "努力回想你的梦,并给这些梦起个名字,记入大脑。比如“考试迟到”,或“我与阿什利·贾德的约会”等。

5.In a statement, Judd Gregg said it had become apparent during the vetting process that his appointment would not work.贾德·格雷格在声明中称在审批程序中可以很明显的看出他不会得到任命。

6.Ashley Judd offers a sad, sobering look into the home pfe of her famous family in her new memoir, "All That Is Bitter & Sweet. "艾什莉·贾德在她的新书——自传《痛苦与甜蜜》中,讲述了她用悲伤却清醒的眼光审视她的明星家庭的家庭生活。

7.Asked to pay to see a girls-gone-wild version of a Judd Apatow farce (he produced the film), Mr. and Ms. Moviegoer said, "I do. "要求支付给看到了一个女孩贾德Apatow闹剧,走了野生版本(他制作的电影),先生和女士影迷说:“我愿意。”

8.Mitchell took Frank to the store in an apparent attempt to "dump her, " Judd said.米切尔了坦诚到商店中的一个明显企图“抛弃她,”说的judd。

9.Harvey: Ah. Let me introduce myself, I'm Harvey Judd. I'm the Chief Purchasing Officer at Hale and Hearty. You can call me Harvey.哈维:哦,请允许我自我介绍。我叫哈维·贾德。我是哈尔及哈迪食品公司的首席采购员。您叫我哈维就好了。

10.I love to act and would love to be in a Todd Phipps or Judd Apatow movie.我爱的行动和喜欢参加托德飞利浦或贾德Apatow电影。