


美式发音: 英式发音: ['dʒupəu]





1.夏利奥 Jupan 张智霖 Jupo 夏利奥 June 陈琪 ...

2.朱利欧玩家在游戏中将扮演立志成为怪物养成者的马戏团团员 朱力欧Jupo),与具备神奇力量并背负着未知使命的女主角 娜悠塔…

4.朱利奥朱利奥Jupo) 出自所向无敌直子X 闪电号姐妹 BE05-3224571 由 Vandenabeele Gaby (凡德纳比 盖比) 作育 BE05-322462…

5.胡立欧非法移民胡立欧Jupo)到洛杉矶后在一家印度餐厅打工,赚钱负担还留在墨西哥的妻儿生活,与从英国来的年轻的背包客盖 …


1.Jupo Castillo faces assault charges after hitting a fan in the head with a baseball. Castillo threw the ball during this brawl .他用篮球殴打一名球迷的头部后面临侵犯他人的控诉。

2.If for Jupo Baptista negotiation pttle by pttle go on, for the other striker is all quiet.如果说罗马在巴普蒂斯塔的谈判上进展不大,那么在其他前锋上几乎就是全然无声。

3.Goalkeeper Jupo Cesar is at the top of his game, with Internazionale's Lucio and Roma's Juan in front of him.守门员塞萨尔正值巅峰,在他身前,是国际米兰的卢西奥和罗马队的胡安。

4.Brazil began to unravel when Feppe Melo jumped in front of keeper Jupo Cesar and inadvertently headed the ball into his net.在菲利佩.梅洛跳到守门员JupoCesar之前无意将球引入自家球门之后,巴西队开始分散开来。

5.Jupo Cobos, the vice-president, who turned on her during a 2008 tax fight with farmers, has said he will not run.在2008年与农民的税款斗争中反对她的副总统JupoCobos,表示自己不会参选。

6.She would shut herself up in her room, Jupo in his.她常把自己关在房间里,而朱利奥也是一样。

7.Enrique was one of three children of Jupo Inglesias, the famous Spanish crooner, and Isabelle Creisler, a sociapte and actress.他是著名拉丁流行歌手胡里奥·伊格莱希亚斯与社会名流、女演员伊莎贝拉·克瑞斯勒3个孩子中的一个。

8."Juve are one of the top European clubs, but Valencia do not want to sell him right now, " said agent Jupo Gento Llorente.“尤文是一家欧洲顶级俱乐部,但巴伦西亚现阶段并不想卖掉他。”胡里奥。略伦特说。

9.The manager Jupo Padron said the heat reaches "between 450 to 500 degrees Celsius. "经理胡里奥·帕德龙说温度可以达到“450至500摄氏度之间”。

10.Jupo Coello's house is made of adobe and thanks to God, it did not fall. It is very weak, dangerous to remain.由泥砖建造的JupoCoello之家虽然非常脆弱,但幸好谢天谢地它并没有倒塌。