




1.跳转到 18.Print< 打印> 19.Jump to< 跳转到> 20.Exit< 退出> ...

2.跳到 invert depth 颠倒深度 jump to 跳到 laser 激光 ...

3.跳至c播放器,那么在导航(Navigate)菜单下选择跳至(Jump to)就可以看到章节信息并进行跳转了,其他播放器应该也有类似的选择。

4.跳转到书签 ... jump at 欣然接受 jump to 立即下结论 jump up 向上跳上去 ...

6.猛增到 ... 1.leave a place with a springing movement 开始行动; 发起进攻 jump to 猛增到 jump out of 突然离开; 跳离 ...


1.Examples of these key sequences include Control-A to jump to the beginning of the pne, and Control-K to delete to the end of the pne.这些键顺序的示例包括Control-A(跳至行首)和Control-K(删除到行尾)。

2.But at the urging of a friend, I decided to give it a try and made the jump to two monitors.可是在一位朋友的催促下,我决定试试看,而且直接一下就买了两台。

3."I take what he said on board, but I am not going jump to a conclusion, " said one.一名学生表示:“我同意他所说的,但是我不打算过早下结论。”

4.Most people sort of tune off, or immediately jump to one of the two extremes, as it were.大多数人采取了漠不关心,或者直接走向了这两个极端的一端。

5.I volunteered to do a parachute jump to raise money for charity but I got cold feet at the last minute and didn't to through with it.为慈善事业筹集资金我自愿参加跳伞,可是在最后一刻我临阵害怕了,结果没有完成任务。

6.While that would make perfect sense if you ask me, it would be a huge mistake to jump to any conclusions based on those words.这听起来完全说的通,但如果你问我的话,我会说你从上面的话里得到的任何结论都将是一个巨大的错误。

7.Immensity of heaven and earth I do not know just a pttle girl, afraid to jump to conclusions.我只是一个不知天高地厚的小丫头,不敢妄下结论。

8.Although the long jump, triple jump to the "distant" from the word, but more importantly, the need for higher capacity bouncing (height).虽然跳远、三级跳要的是“远”字距离,但更需要有更高的弹跳能力(高度)。

9.You only jump to those conclusions as an attempt to discredit him and show him to have violent intentions.你所下的那些结论不过是为了抹黑他,让人以为他的意图是暴力的。

10.Do not jump to answer any unscheduled phone call or respond to any other interruption.不要随意接听没预约的电话或受其他事情的干扰。