

jump up and down

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1.上下跳跳 ... Bend your knees. 弯弯你的膝盖。 Jump up-and-down. 上下跳跳。 Turn around. 转个圈圈。 ...

2.上下跳一跳 ... Turn left! Turn left! 向左转! Jump up-and-down! 上下跳一跳! Turn around! 转一转…


1."Active video games, where kids need to jump up and down or dance about as part of the game, are a great way to get kids moving, " he said.“孩子们在游戏中需要上蹦下跳、手舞足蹈,这是一种不错的让孩子们参与运动的方式。”他说。

2.If you're looking for a sports bra, jump up and down in the fitting room a couple of times to evaluate the bra's bounce control.如果你选择运动型胸罩,在试衣间蹦跳几下可以测试出胸罩的反弹控制性如何。

3.When something pleased him, he would rush out of doors and nm around the garden, or jump up and down on the sofa.有什么事使他高兴了,他会冲出门去,在庭院里东奔西跑,要不就在沙发上又蹦又跳。

4.'I can jump up and down and scream all day long about how much I don't pke it. But it's their business decision, ' Mr. Norris says.诺里斯说,我可以抓狂吼叫一整天来表达我对此有多么不爽,但这是他们的业务决策。

5.To test support, jump "up and down in the changing room and assess how much movement occurs. "为了测试支撑力,在更衣室内上下跳动,然后评估发生了多少次活动。

6.He began to jump up and down , as high as he could, at the top of each jump stretching his arms to get the apple .他开始跳涨有跌,在每个伸展双臂来获得苹果跳只要他能顶高。

7.Immediately get out of bed and jump up and down several times.立刻从床上跳起来,原地跳跃几次。

8.Get an empty plastic milk container or similar and jump up and down on it until it becomes a two-dimensional object.拿来一只空的、塑料牛奶罐子,或类似的东西,然后在上面跳,直到它成为扁平。

9.Sometimes, though, in an attempt to test how firm the floor is, you jump up and down!但是,有时候,为了检验地板的牢固程度,你还会上下蹦几下!

10.If you're having a bad day, try this: jump up and down, wiggle around -- you're going to feel better.如果你这一天不怎么样,试试这个:跳上跳下,到处动一下--你会感觉好很多。