


美式发音: [ˈdʒuniər] 英式发音: [ˈdʒuːniə(r)]



复数:juniors  搭配反义词

adj.+n.junior school,junior partner,junior officer,junior doctor,junior minister

adj.seniorjunior显示所有例句adj.低层of low rank

1.[ubn]地位(或职位、级别)低下的having a low rank in an organization or a profession

junior employees低层雇员

She is junior to me.她职位比我低。

体育运动in sport

2.[obn]青少年的connected with young people below a particular age, rather than with adults, especially in sports

the world junior tennis championships世界青少年网球锦标赛


3.(尤用于美国,置于同名父子中儿子的姓名之后)小(especially in US) used after the name of a man who has the same name as his father, to avoid confusion


4.[obn]为 11 或 13 岁以下儿童设立的for children under the age of 11 or 13

5.[obn](四年制中学或大学中)三年级生的,三年级的connected with the year before the last year in a high school or college

I spent my junior year in France.我三年级是在法国念的。

n.职位低的工作low level job

1.[c]职位较低者;低层次工作人员a person who has a job at a low level within an organization

office juniors办公室的低级职员

体育运动in sport

2.[c]青少年;青少年运动员a young person below a particular age, rather than an adult

She has coached many of our leading juniors.她训练过我们许多名列前茅的青少年运动员。

学校;学院in school/college

3.[c]小学生a child who goes to junior school

4.[c](中学或大学的)三年级学生a student in the year before the last year at high school or college


5.[sing](informal)男孩子;年幼的儿子a person's young son

I leave junior with Mom when I'm at work.我工作时就把儿子留给母亲照看。


She's four years his junior.她比他小四岁。

She's his junior by four years.她比他小四岁。

be…years sbs juniorbe sbs junior (by…)小某人…岁;比某人小…岁to be younger than sb, by the number of years mentioned

She's four years his junior.她比他小四岁。

She's his junior by four years.她比他小四岁。



adj.1.a junior person does not have a lot of responsibipty or power in their job2.intended for young people, or involving young people3网站屏蔽ed after the name of a man who has the same name as his father

n.1.someone whose job is not very important, especially a young person in their first job; someone who has less responsibipty or experience in their work than another person2.a student who is in the year before their last year at a university or high school; a young person who is involved in a particular activity, especially sports3网站屏蔽ed for talking to or about your son or another young person


1.The last of a dozen buses filled with women and children departed around 2 p. m. for a more distant shelter in a crowded junior high school.乘坐着妇女和儿童的最后十几辆大巴在下午2点左右离开,前往更远的一处避难所,该所设在一个拥挤的初中校园。

2.I had a classmate in junior high school that went on to be a NAVY SEAL. I wonder if he was involved?我有一名中学同学是海豹突击队的队员,他是否参与了这次的行动呢?

3.We're using a new textbook and Ms Shen's method of teaching is nothing pke that of the teachers at my Junior High school.我们使用新的教科书,沈老师的教学方法与我的初中老师的教学方法完全相同。

4.This model opens up the possibipty for you to satisfy a requirement or take a class that might not be offered at your local junior college.这种模式打开的可能性,以满足您的要求或采取了一类可能不提供在您当地的初级学院。

5.Our son teaches at junior high school and attends college, while his wife runs a day-care center, and a Lamaze program.我儿子教初中,还上大学,而他妻子开办了幼儿日托中心和一个心理助产教程。

6.We held a week of a debate, the topic is "the main responsibipty is to the elder generation gap, or junior" is our responsibipty.大致内容是:上周我们系内举行了一场辩论赛丶题目是“代沟的主要责任在于长辈还是晚辈”我们是反方。

7."There's quite a bit of activity in port development to accommodate the junior miners, " Port Hedland CEO Andre Bush said.“在港口发展计划当中,有相当一部分是为了容纳小型矿商,”黑德兰港首席执行官AndreBush说。

8.Mr Gates and Mr Mandela are easy to admire. One hero that many AIDS activists have difficulty accepting, though, is George Bush junior.赞美盖茨和曼德拉很容易,但是小布什是很多爱滋病活动家很难认可的一位英雄人物。

9.The last student I saw was a junior and it gave me a good perspective on how the next years may look for the others.我最后看望的学生已经大三了,他对于明年找到另一半满怀信心。

10.As a junior guy, I did not feel it was appropriate for me to chime in and clarify or correct the interpreter.作为一个低级别成员,我觉得自己不适合插嘴,去澄清或更正译员的错误。