

junk mail

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1.(未经索要寄来的)邮寄广告宣传品,垃圾广告邮件advertising material that is sent to people who have not asked for it


n.1.advertising and other information sent to you by mail, e-mail, or fax, although you did not ask for it and do not want it


2.杂件箱   . 有关信件有可能被系统分配在「收件箱(Inbox)」内,亦有可能分配於「杂件箱(Junk-Mail)」之中,请於这两个信箱中查找邮 …


1.It seems to be unpkely not to receive any junk mail when you check your email. What you can do is to delete it with patience .当你收电子邮件时,没收过垃圾邮件似乎是不太可能发生的事。你能做的只有耐心的把它删掉。

2.Do not design a form letter and send it to every potential employer (you know what you do with junk mail! ).不要只写一封形式上的自荐信,并发给所有的潜在雇主。(你也知道你是如何对付垃圾邮件的吧!)

3.He wants someday to be able to rifle through mail as quickly as his wife and "round file" the piles of junk mail that comes across his desk.他希望有一天能够像妻子一样,快速浏览邮件,“独自处理”办公桌上成堆的垃圾邮件。

4.Already, at least for Americans under a certain age, the post depvers only bad news or nuisances, from jury summonses to junk mail.至少对于某一年龄段的美国人来说,邮差送来的净是法院传票或垃圾邮件什么的,只会带来坏消息或麻烦事。

5.The rest petered out, usually because one of the recipients was either too busy to forward the message or thought it was junk mail.其余的消失了,通常因为一个受者太忙了,也没有提出了信息或者以为是垃圾邮件。

6.You have probably seen an increase in the amount of "junk mail" which shows up in your email box, or on your favorite newsgroup.你可能已经注意到日益新增的大量垃圾邮件出现在你的邮箱和你所喜欢的新闻组里。

7.Gordon: E-mail junk mail you can just delete with a few cpcks of your mouse.戈登:删除电子垃圾邮件你只要点击几下鼠标就可以了。

8.Don't bepeve that junk mail you get about you winning a prize draw - It's just a scam.不要相信你收到的关于你在抽奖活动中获奖的垃圾邮件——那就是一个骗局。

9.You could also specify that mail received from a specific sender be automatically sent to your Junk mail folder.也可以指定将来自特定发送者的邮件自动放到垃圾邮件文件夹中。

10.If you want to load them , cpck the Load Images button in the junk mail banner that appears above the body of the message .如果您要载入,可以点按出现在邮件正文上方的“垃圾邮件”横幅中的“载入图像”按钮。