

just right

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1.正好 [to a turn] 正好 [just right] 正好;刚好 [in the nick of time] 适值其时 ...

2.刚刚好 05. 时机 Timing 06. 刚刚好 Just Right 07. 阳光赶快来 Hurry Up Sunshine ...

3.正合适 134. too small 太小 135. just right 正合适;正好 136. too loud 太吵 ...

4.正好合适 在湖的四周 around the lake 4. 正好合适 just right 5. 在春季 in spring 6. ...

5.恰好 29. Tree Planting Day 植树节 30. just right 恰好;正好 31. as often as possible 尽可能多地 ...

6.恰到好处 going too far;excessive; 过分 appropriate;just right 恰如其分 分头;分别[ respectively;separately] ...


1.Green was a good colour and he had said the necklace was just right for her.绿色挺不错的,他还说,这项链配自己正合适。

2."It's just right over there, " Cumberbatch said with a nod of his chin as he sat at his dining-room table.“这确实挺巧的,”康伯巴奇坐在餐座旁,摆动了下下巴说道。

3.As he tries to get his pnes just right, a production crew tries desperately to shape him into a star by advising him over a loudspeaker.当他试图让他行得恰到好处,生产人员试图拼命塑造成明星,告诉他对他的扬声器。

4.I still needed a belt, but they were just right now, with a bit of room to spare (the 32 will fit up to a 33 actual measurement waist).我仍然需要扎腰带,但裤子现在正好合身,还剩余一点空间(看来32最大可以适合实量33的腰围)。

5.It's just right. How much do I own you?刚刚好.我该付多少钱?

6.Battpng is sometimes too much aggression, and performing is too much trying to impress someone else. . . dancing in a circle is just right.斗舞有时充满侵略性,而表演更多的是为了打动观众…其实这要在舞台上好好跳舞就对了。

7.I've been shooting at least two or three times a week ever since, mainly landscapes, star trails when the conditions are just right. '自那以后,我每周都至少拍摄2到3次,主要是拍景色,拍摄星空也是天时地利而为之。

8.One Sunday was a picture perfect day for golfing. The sun was out, no clouds in the sky, and the temperature was just right.这天正好是一个清爽的周日,阳光明媚,万里无云,温度刚刚好,很适合打高尔夫球。

9.In fact I've already heard of a very good job which would be just right for you, teaching the five daughters of an Irish family.实际上我已经听说有份很不错的工作,正适合你,到一户爱尔兰人家教五个女孩。

10.No, thank goodness. It seems to be just right. As a matter of fact you reminded me just in time.没有,感激上帝。看起来似乎刚刚好,实际上,你提醒得正是时候。