


美式发音: [ˈdʒʌstɪˌfaɪəb(ə)l] 英式发音: 








1.有理由的;可证明是正当的;情有可原的existing or done for a good reason, and therefore acceptable

justifiable pride无可非议的自豪感


adj.1.capable of being shown as reasonable or merited according to accepted standards

1.有理由的 justice 公正 justifiable 有理由的 justification 合理化 ...

2.正当的 spoil 宠坏, justifiable 无可非议的,正当的, rude 粗鲁的, ...

3.无可非议的 Zealous 热情的 Justifiable- -----无可非议的 rack 01 真実 ...

4.合理的 label v. 贴标签 justifiable adj. 合理的 issue n. 问题,事端 ...

5.有道理的 Statin: (药物名) 斯达汀 Justifiable有道理的 Patron: 顾客 ...

6.可证明为正当的 ... > justify:v. 证明…为合理,正当;辩护 > justifiable:a. 可证明为正当的;无可非议的 > adjust:v. 调整, 使…适应 ...

7.正当性的认可态度。于是,legitimacy衍生出双重含义:合乎法律的(lawful)或法治的(legal) 和合乎正义的(just)或被证明有正当性的


1.Student: If it's that's one thing that puts, you know, someone over the edge, then it's, I guess that would be, you know, justifiable.学生:如果这是其中一个(录取标准),成为了一些人的优势,那么我猜那会是合理的。

2.and justifiable criticism of the Bank of Japan for not doing enough to end deflation.二是直面日本银行在解决通货紧缩的问题上因力度不够遭受的正面批评。

3.Although air is always present in lubricating oil, it is often justifiable to adopt measures to minimize its presence.尽管在润滑油中经常有空气的”声影“,我们最好采取措施将其存在降低到最低。

4.But how much of this American unease is a justifiable response to a genuine threat?可是,在这些美方对于现实威胁的不安当中又有多少是合理的呢?

5.'Jack, come on. Hug my waist tightly, will you? ' It is perfectly justifiable for her to request him to do so this time.‘杰克,快,搂紧点儿,好不好?’这回可以名正言顺地要求他啦。

6.Events that, however justifiable to a domestic audience, have been a disaster for Japan's diplomacy.参拜事件无论在日本国内民众多么有情可原,对日本外交却始终是灾难。

7.If he does not accept the penalty within the time pmit without any justifiable reason, his motor vehicle driving pcense shall be revoked.无正当理由逾期未接受处理的,吊销机动车驾驶证。

8.As the FT warned, the cost of the pause in interest rate rises, however justifiable, might be higher rates later.正如我们所警告的那样,无论理由有多么充足,停止加息的代价可能是以后更高的利率。

9.In the older poptical economy, the search for a principle governing the measurement of value was to a certain extent justifiable.在更为古老的政治经济学中,寻求一个原理,从而掌控价值的测算方法,在一定程度上,是有道理的。

10.I mean, all of the improvements he made -- and it's justifiable that our measure of energy, the watt, today is named after him.我是说,所有这些他引进的改良--另能量以他的名字为单位。