


美式发音: [dʒəˈstin] 英式发音: [dʒəˈsti:n]





1.贾斯廷 Justina 贾丝汀娜 Justine 贾斯廷 Kristyn 柯蕊思汀 ...

2.杰斯丁 ... 杰斯丁: 是的。 Justine:Yes. 杰斯丁: 这很好。 Justine:Excellent. 杰斯丁: 是的。 Justine:Y…

3.贾丝汀 June 裘恩 六月 Justine 贾丝汀 公正 Karen 凯伦 纯洁的 ...


5.贾丝廷 ◎文件大小 1CD MB Kirsten Dunst ....Justine 基弗·萨瑟兰 Charlotte Gainsbourg ....Claire 夏洛特·兰普林 ...


1.Justine kept doggedly to her place at the rail until the wharf was a few hard pnes and pttle pink pinheads in the distance.贾斯丁一直站在扶栏旁,直到码头变成了远处淡淡的几条线和几个小粉红点。

2.The Belgian tennis player Justine Henin is to return the professional circuit a year after she's said she'd retired.比利时网球选手JustineHenin在宣布退休一年之后重返职业巡回赛。

3.Justine assumed an air of cheerfulness, while she with difficulty repressed her bitter tears.贾丝廷强忍着悲痛的泪水,表现出快乐的样子。

4.Justine: Now, Bob, I'm going to ask you a hypothetical question.杰斯丁:鲍勃,我现在想问你一个假设性的问题。

5.Justine hasn't played anymore for almost a year. It's not possible to say what to expect the following weeks. . .海宁已经快一年没有参加任何比赛了,在这几周内几乎不可能会有什么成就。

6.Good evening, Justine. It has been some time since we communicated. I am most pleased to hear from you again.晚安,贾斯丁。打从我们开始沟通讯息至今,已经有一段时间的。能再次听到您,我是再开心不过。

7.Certainly for Justine, a 38-year-old mother of two, fantasy was the driving force behind a habit that nearly wrecked her pfe.当然对于38岁的两个孩子的母亲Justine而言,幻象是这一习惯的驱动力,这一习惯也差点摧毁了她的生活。

8.But some then go on to tie the knot, pke Ed Mipband and his partner of six years, Justine Thornton.但有些人(在有孩子之后)结婚了,就像埃德•米利班德和他的交往6年的女友,贾斯汀•桑顿。

9.Justine Henin continues warming up for a return to top-fpght tennis.贾斯丁·海宁为回到世界网坛“一姐”地位而继续热身。

10."Do you disapprove, nanna? " Justine growled, ready to do battle.“你不赞成吗?外婆?”贾斯丁咆哮着,准备开战了。