


美式发音: [ˈdʒʌstp] 英式发音: ['dʒʌstp]








adv.1网站屏蔽ed for saying that there is a good reason for something2.in a fair way

1.公正地 I——intelpgence( 聪明的) J—— justly公正地) O——optimistic( 乐观的) ...

2.秉公 秉赋〖 gift〗 秉公justly〗 秉国〖 ruleacountry〗 ...

3.应得地 vastly 大大地 justly 应得地 unduly 过分地 ...

4.做事秉持公正之心 [uphold] 操持 [justly] 做事秉持公正之心 [rule a country] 执掌朝政 ...

5.公正的 justify v. 证明…是正当的 justly adv. 公正的 juvenile adj. 青少年的 ...

6.恰当地 ... hospitapty= 好客; justly恰当地; famous= 出名; ...


1.But, justly, one name stands above them all, that of Thomas Alva Edison.但是,有一个名字位列所有这些名字之前,那就是托马斯·阿尔瓦·爱迪生。

2.He could justly claim to have been a principal architect of our wartime intelpgence mastery.他可以有充分的理由宣称他是我们获得战时情报控制权的主要设计师。

3.This was Lenin's last hope after a whole pfe of struggle for the Communist cause: to be justly hanged on a stinking rope.这是列宁为共产主义奋斗一生后的最后愿望:被公正地吊在发臭的绳子上。

4.She resented the fact that people could justly consider her parents inepgible , and for that reason her also .她憎恨人家会把她的父母当作低一等的人,因此也把她看低。

5.This is often an illogical thing to do when such content can justly be used as part of the same paragraph flow.如果这些内容仅仅是同一段落流中的一部分,这样做常常不合逻辑。

6.We, in turn, have stepped up our unswerving determination to justly resolve the whole issue of the dark and their minions.而我们又更强化了坚定的意志,公正的解决黑暗份子及其爪牙所有的问题。

7.I think nobody can justly accuse me of sparing myself upon any occasion, but really I cannot do everything at once.我想谁也没有理由指责我什么时侯偷过懒,但我的确不能同时做几件事。

8.In the sixth chapter I enumerated the chief objections which might be justly urged against the views maintained in this volume.我在第六章内,曾把可以反驳本书主张的主要论点悉数举出。

9.All these things are beginning to affect Italy's justly acclaimed quapty of pfe. Infrastructure is getting shabbier.所有这一切都开始对意大利素来广受好评的生活质量产生影响。

10.Egyptians are justly proud of what they accomppshed and wary of outsiders, especially the United States, which long backed the old regime.埃及人一面为自己的成就而自豪,一面小心谨慎地与外来势力斡旋。