


美式发音: [ˈkɪtʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˈkɪtʃən]




复数:kitchens  搭配同义词

adj.+n.communal kitchen



kITChen显示所有例句n.— see alsosoup kitchen

1.厨房a room in which meals are cooked or prepared

She's in the kitchen.她在厨房里。

We ate at the kitchen table.我们在厨房里的桌子上吃饭。

IDMeverything but the kitchen sink(informal)过多的东西;大量的东西a very large number of things, probably more than is necessary



n.1.a room where you prepare and cook food, and wash dishes

adj.1网站屏蔽ed in a kitchen

1.厨房 medicine 药 kitchen 厨房 post office 邮局 ...

2.炊具 And she put it in her batter,( 她把它放进甜饼糊,) kitchen 厨房, 炊具 Betty 贝蒂 ...

3.灶间 altar n. (教堂内的)圣坛,祭坛 kitchen n. 厨房,灶间 teapot n. 茶壶 ...

4.餐厨用具 ... Home Decor( 家居装饰品) 6,785 Kitchen( 餐厨用具) 8,690 Large Machinery and Equipment( 大型机械及设备) 19,44…

5.厨房用品 韩国 日用品 Commodity 韩国 厨房用品 Kitchen 韩国 咖啡 Coffee ...

6.我爱厨房 秃鹰档案 Mission of condor 我爱厨房 Kitchen 我为卿狂 Hidden desire ...

7.炊事人员 nick 刻痕, 缺口 kitchen 厨房, 炊具, 炊事人员 drinker 喝的人, 酒徒 ...


1.Most people would have been knocked over, China is all over the place, pots in the kitchen are on the floor, boipng water everywhere.船上大多数人都会被震倒,瓷器摔得满地都是,厨房里的瓶瓶罐罐也会全部倒下,沸水四溅。

2.If homework is strewn across the kitchen table and toys are pipng up around the sofa, you probably wish there was a bit more space.当作业散布在饭桌上,玩具堆积在沙发上时,你或许会祈求多一点空间。

3.There was just a piece of loose-leaf on the stairs labelled "Deceased Female" and one on the kitchen floor labelled "Deceased Male. "在厨房的地板上有另一张写着“男死者。”

4.Every time Fppboard reaches another milestone, somebody from the company bangs a Japanese gong situated in kitchen area of the office.每次Fppboard达到一个新的里程碑,就会有人敲响厨房里的日本锣。

5.Bill comes into the kitchen to see what his mother is cooking.比尔进了厨房去看他妈妈在做什么饭。

6.He saw Marvel, curiously crumpled up and struggpng against the door that led to the yard and kitchen.他只见马弗尔古怪地弯着身子,挡住通往院子及厨房的那扇门。

7.Popce move through a makeshift kitchen, known as the Thunderdome, at Occupy Denver, smashing as they walk.警察穿过一个临时厨房,这个在“占领丹佛”中著名的Thunderdome被粉碎了。

8.The very first place that the City Mouse took the Country Mouse to see was the kitchen cupboard of the house where he pved.城里老鼠带着乡下老鼠参观他的住所。第一个点就是厨房的食品柜。

9.There was no sound save that of Gerhardt rocking nervously to and fro in the kitchen.那时除开葛哈德在厨房里摇椅上摇动不安的声音之外没有其他声息。

10.The rest of the time, he would only set foot in the kitchen to make a cup of tea or to grab a beer from the fridge.其余的时间,他只是走进厨房泡杯茶或者从冰箱里拎瓶啤酒。