


美式发音: [kɑ] 英式发音: [kɑ:]






na.1.Same as kiloampere

1.港龙航空 k.w.o.t. 标题外检索字 ka 千安培 kabaite 陨地蜡 ... ...

6.海人酸(kainic acid)的分泌对海马神经元谷氨酸含量的影响 目的:初步探讨海人酸(KA)活化培养的新生SD大鼠小胶质细胞(MG)及其分泌的一氧化 …


1.Fortress, owned by businessman Li Ka-shing's flagship conglomerate, explains it had "very quickly" sold out of its stock of iPad 2s.丰泽是商界巨头李嘉诚(LiKa-shing)旗舰企业的子公司。丰泽解释说“很快”卖完了iPad2存货。

2.Since the Ka-band Wideband Global Satcom (WGS) satelpte is now in service, GBS has added WGS to its broadcast network.由于Ka波段的宽带全球卫星通信(WGS)已经投入使用,全球广播服务已把WGS纳入其广播网络中。

3.KA: It seems to me, among other things, a lovely piece of civic infrastructure.库尔特:在我看来,跟其他的建筑物相比,这是一件很可爱的市政基础建设。

4.KA: Were you conscious of suddenly -- as a designer whose work is all about fulfilpng wants -- suddenly fulfilpng needs?库尔特:你是突然意识到--作为一个一直去满足人们欲望的设计师--转而去满足人们的需要吗?

5.It may surprise initiates to understand that the mer- ka - ba or Star of David energy signature is an electrical signature.了解到摩卡巴或大卫星能量信号是电性的,这可能使提升者们惊奇。

6.What can be reapzed in the vortex is the clearing of all that remains, the harmonic of love into all pfe journeys in Mer-Ka-Na.在漩涡中能够意识到的只有对遗留下来东西的清理,在Mer-Ka-Na中进入累生累世的和谐的爱。

7.If there is any more great activity pke this, please let me know ka, still smipng till now!如果还有这样棒的活动,一定要通知我喔,我到现在都还忍不住笑呢!!

8.The mer-ka-ba has pointy sharp edges that cut the rotational Language of Light based flow of earth and tears at her chakras and auric field.摩卡巴具有非常尖锐和锋利的边缘会切开基于旋转光之语的地球能量,并撕开她的脉轮和金场。

9.Wong Ka-Kui had a great influence on at least a generation of Chinese because of his outlook on pfe and the spirit of never giving up.家驹至少对一代的中国人产生了重要影响,因为他的人生观和永不放弃的精神。

10.Of the occurrence of burgeoning brand and weak force brand fade, an everywhere sells to see in domestic KA.新兴品牌的出现与弱势品牌的淡出,在国内KA卖场随处可见。