


美式发音: [kəˈbuki] 英式发音: [kəˈbuːki]





1.歌舞伎(日本传统剧种,由男子表演)traditional Japanese theatre, in which songs, dance and mime are performed by men


n.1.traditional Japanese plays that contain songs, dances, and mime, and in which men play both male and female parts

1.歌舞伎士剑剧场版《MISSING ACE》遗失的王牌),歌舞鬼Kabuki)(05年假面骑士响鬼剧场版《七人之战鬼》) ,黄金骑士(…


5.歌舞伎式 ... 脱衣舞 Striptease 日本歌舞伎 Kabuki 日本艺伎 Geisha ...

8.布奇比如日本的卡布奇kabuki)就是既演男人又演女人的男演员;莎士比亚的剧组中没有女演员,朱丽叶和麦克白女士都是男孩子 …


1.Kabuki is now in an age of renewed popularity as a fresh generation of stars has taken over the leading roles.随着新一代明星承担最主要的角色,现在歌舞伎再度流行。

2.With such ideas and to interview the young man, just a year kabuki parking more than 10000! ! ! ! !怀着这样的想法而去面试牛郎的年轻人,光是歌舞伎町一年就超过了1万人!

3.Although kabuki is one of the world's few remaining all-male theatrical traditions, its roots are traced to a woman named Izumo no Okuni.尽管歌舞伎是世界上现存的演员全为男性的戏剧传统之一,但其根源可以追溯到一个名叫奥库尼(Okuni)的女人。

4.By his 20's, he is considered one of the major young Kabuki actors of his generation, with proven track records and the noble good look.20岁以后,因为已被证明的历年成绩和高贵的神情,他被视为他这一代年轻歌舞伎演员中的佼佼者。

5.The moral of this financial Kabuki play is that government intervention does not always work immediately, or, in this case, for a decade.这场日本金融歌舞伎表演的寓意是,政府干预不是永远都是立竿见影的。在这例子中,这影可能要等整个十年才能见。

6.Kabuki, Japanese classic theatrical play, has always been a rich source of movie actors.日本传统戏剧表演艺术歌舞伎一直盛产电影明星。

7.In another episode, a heartbroken performer of traditional kabuki theater turns into a monster and wreaks havoc on his community.而在另一集中,一位伤心的歌舞伎演员变成了怪兽并大肆进行破坏。

8.Traditionally, Kabuki skills are passed from older members of a family of actors to younger members, down through the generations.在歌舞伎的艺术领域内,演技一直是通过歌舞伎世家中的代代相传而得以传承的。

9.Mr Brown's Repubpcan predecessor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, used to call the rituapsed drama that is Capfornia's budget process a "kabuki" .布朗先生的前任,阿诺德.施瓦辛格曾把州预算案通过的过程形容为一种类似“歌舞伎”般例行公事的戏剧。

10.He played a role in his first Kabuki stage and in his first TV drama (together with his father) at the age of 5.五岁时他第一次登上歌舞伎舞台,也出演了第一部电视剧(共演的还有父亲)。