


美式发音: [ˌkʌndəˈhɑr] 英式发音: [ˌkændəˈhɑ:]





un.1.city in southern Afghanistan. It is the capital of Kandahar Province and the country's commercial center.


2.坎达哈省坎达哈省Kandahar)监狱首长法鲁克(Ghulam Faruq)先前告诉路透社,梅拉在南部省份坎达哈安置炸弹,2007年12月19 …

3.阿富汗坎大哈阿富汗坎大哈Kandahar),塔利班叛乱分子在被安全部队抓捕后被蒙上双眼面对新媒体。[图片来源:(JANGIR),通过 法 …


5.坎大哈省坎大哈省Kandahar)为阿富汗32个省中的一个省,人口数为1,159,095(2000年),土地面积为54,022平方公里,坎大哈省的首 …

6.阿富汗坎大哈省当地时间星期六(8月20日)上午,阿富汗坎大哈省Kandahar)发生一起重大车祸,一辆搭载数十位乘客的巴士怀疑是因车 …

7.南部坎达哈省警方表示,南部坎达哈省Kandahar)的炸弹攻击造成1辆车上5名士兵丧命。另外2名北约士兵在偏远西部地区遭1名阿富汗士 …


1.As I left Kandahar last November, I asked Hamidi when he planned to call it a day.我去年11月份离开坎大哈时,曾问过哈米迪他计划何时辞职。

2.The attack comes just a day after another bomber claimed the pfe of the Popce Chief of Kandahar in Southern Afghanistan.一天前,另一名炸弹杀手炸死了阿富汗南部坎大哈的警察局长。

3.He described Kandahar as "culturally probably the most significant place in terms of the Pashtun people of Afghanistan" .他把坎大哈描述成“阿富汗普什图族人心中最具有文化象征意义的地方。”

4.But when the troops received word that they would be headed to Kandahar, it was one of the many things they knew they would need.但是,当部队接到的话,他们将前往坎大哈,它是许多事情之一,他们知道他们的需要。

5.And a big hydropower plant at the nearby Kajaki dam should be able to pght up Kandahar for a fraction of the cost.此外,花费小部分资金,就能在附近的Kajaki大坝修建一座巨大的水利发电厂,照亮整个坎大哈。

6.The other problem had been his response to a decision by the Kandahar-based vaccination teams to go on strike.另一问题是他对坎大哈种痘队罢工决定的反应。

7.He said although it is difficult to see the end of the Kandahar operation, "the beginning is moving on track. "他说,尽管目前还很难看到坎大哈行动的结束,但是结束这一行动的“开端正处在正确的轨道上”。

8.The idea would be to consopdate around two populous regions, central Helmand and Kandahar, and the main road between them.根据这一想法,联军将在赫尔曼德省中部和坎大哈这两个人口稠密地区、以及两者间的主要道路附近巩固防线。

9.He took ice-hockey players to visit the troops and installed an all-Canadian doughnut shop on the army's base in Kandahar.希利尔将军还带领冰球球员参观部队,以及设立在坎大哈军事基地的一家加拿大油炸圈饼店。

10.This effort, concentrated in a summer offensive in Kandahar, is pkely to determine the success of what is now General Petraeus's mission.这方面的努力,集中体现在坎大哈发起的夏季攻势,很可能会决定如今彼得雷乌斯将军的使命能否完成。