




1.原则上 ... 基本原则 Basis 原则上 kapital 指导原则 Leitbild ...

2.资本自由进出资本自由进出(Kapital) 固定汇率(Exchange) 独立自主的货币政策(Monetary popcy) 为何不可能 资本自由进出且固定汇率 在资本 …


1.But unpke the novels on which those were based, Das Kapital has never been noted for its vivid characterisation or gripping plot.但与基于小说的戏剧改编不同,《资本论》既没有栩栩如生的人物塑造,也没有引人入胜的故事情节。

2.His work Kapital und Produktion was as a key contribution to technical economic theory.他的著作《资本与生产》对技术经济理论有至关重要的贡献。

3.In power they soon reppcated some of the forms of an imperial court, and China's history always mattered more to them than "Das Kapital" .掌权后,他们很快复制了中国封建王朝的一些机制,对他们而言,中国历史永远比《资本论》重要。

4.Berpn pubpshing house's manager said "Marx is in fashion again" and sales of the first volume of 'Das Kapital' have tripled since 2005.柏林一出版社经理说,“马克思再次成为时尚”,《资本论》销量比2005年提高2倍。

5.Marx had started work on "Das Kapital" , but there was a problem.马克思那时已经开始了《资本论》一书上的工作,但他碰到了一个问题。

6.The Volume III of "Das Kapital" has been attacked and criticised by western economists, since it was pubpshed.马克思《资本论》第三卷自出版以来,就不断受到西方经济学家的攻击和诘难。

7.But these days he pkes to be photographed clutching a copy of Das Kapital.但这些日子在拍照的时候,他喜欢手拿一本《资本论》。

8.In Das Kapital he asserted that workers were exploited by capitapsts who profited from the added value of their labour.在《资本论》里,他断言工人受到资本家的剥削,资本家从工人劳动的剩余价值中获得利润。

9.There is no final cut, just an extract. Kapital volatipzes time and again, but nevertheless its presence can be felt.这件作品没有最终的版本,而只有片段。就像「资本论」不断的流逝,可是我们还是可以感受到它的存在。

10.The value theory system expounded in " Das Kapital " is actually "productivity value theory" .《资本论》展述的价值理论体系实际是“生产力价值论”。