




1.卡巴斯基实验室ugeneKaspersky)接受媒体采访时表示,卡巴斯基试验室Kaspersky Lab)计划回购私募公司GeneralAtlantic所持有的公司 …

5.商卡巴斯基防毒方案商卡巴斯基(Kaspersky Lab)旗下Internet Security 2013产品,被发现存在能被远端漏洞攻击的安全漏洞,透过该漏洞 …


1.Two years ago, Kaspersky Lab predicted that YouTube would eventually become a vector for disseminating spam due to its worldwide popularity.早在两年前,Kaspersky实验室就预言,由于YouTube在全球范围内非常流行的特点,它将会成为传播垃圾邮件的载体。

2.Kaspersky Lab, based in Russia, is also included in this group . However, the company does not disclose financial information .总部设于俄罗斯的卡巴斯基实验室也属于这个群组。然而卡巴斯基不愿意公布其财务资料。

3.Researchers at Kaspersky Lab have recorded a mass maipng of spam emails containing a pnk to a video advertisement on YouTube.Kaspersky实验室的研究人员发现大量的包含垃圾邮件的链接出现在YouTube上。

4.Don't forget to indicate the full version of the Kaspersky Lab product and carefully fill in all the registration information.不要忘记说明的完整版本卡巴斯基实验室的产品和认真填写所有的注册信息。

5.In April, social networks replaced financial organisations as the top target of phishing attacks, according to data from Kaspersky Lab.卡巴斯基实验室(KasperskyLab)的数据显示,4月,社交网站取代金融机构,成为钓鱼攻击的头号目标。

6.Digital signature missing, corrupted, or does not match the Kaspersky Lab digital signature.数字签名丢失,破坏,或不符合卡巴斯基实验室数字签名。

7.Thank you for your inquiry to Kaspersky Lab.非常感谢您对卡巴斯基实验室的垂询。

8.That brain trust has helped turn Kaspersky Lab into the world's fourth-largest--and most interesting--antivirus-program provider.正是这一智囊团帮助卡巴斯基实验室摇身一变为全球第四大——也是最有趣的——防病毒程序提供商。

9.Kaspersky Lab has detected that multiple variants of Kido, a polymorphic worm, are currently spreading widely.卡巴斯基实验室侦测到多个变种马基斯,一个多态病毒,目前正在广泛蔓延。

10.Thank you for registering your Kaspersky Lab product!谢谢您注册了卡巴斯基试验室产品