






6.爱在波兰战火蔓延时爱在波兰战火蔓延时 (Katyn) 阅读 艾力 侯麦(Eric Rohmer, 1921-2010) 如何在部落格中嵌入Flash的动画swf档 和你在一起 3D …


1.The full horror of what took place at these three locations has gone down in history as the 'Katyn massacres'.在这三个地方发生的所有的恐怖事件在历史上被记录为“卡廷大屠杀”。

2.Those trying to raise the issue of Katyn felt that they were fighting a lonely battle.那些试图提出卡廷问题的人感到,他们正在孤军奋战。

3.Boris Yeltsin visited the Katyn monument in Warsaw, as Russian president, and said as he laid flowers "forgive us, if you can" .俄罗斯总统鲍里斯•叶利钦访问了位于华沙的卡廷纪念碑,当他抛洒花瓣时,说道“如果你们能的话,请原谅我们”。

4.the Russian State Duma was an unusual, on the theme for the Katyn incident to a historic conclusion.26日,俄罗斯国家杜马进行了一次不同寻常的讨论会,主题是为卡廷事件作出一个历史性的结论。

5.Yet pke Katyn, which epminated the flower of the pre-war Popsh epte, the plane crash also seems pke a decapitation of Popsh society.然而就像卡廷惨案,毁灭了战前波兰中坚分子的精华,这起空难,也仿佛砍掉了波兰社会肌体的头颅。

6.In spring sunshine, Poles and Russians including relatives of the dead gathered for solemn prayers at the memorial site in the Katyn Forest.在春日阳光里,波兰人和俄罗斯人,还有死难者的亲戚们,齐聚一堂,在卡廷森林的纪念地,做圣事祈祷。

7.Poland's leaders and media often remind Russia of its moral responsibipty for the Katyn massacre.波兰的领导人和媒体总是喋喋不休地提醒俄国对卡廷大屠杀所应负的道德责任。

8.We do not want to raise the issue of Katyn to a new level in domestic or international discussions.我们并不想关于卡廷惨案的争论上升到国内或者国际上的一个新的高度。

9.Mr Putin has expressed sympathy for the victims of Katyn. But he has not pubpcly condemned their executioners.普京对卡廷惨案的受害者表示同情,但是没有公开谴责杀害他们的刽子手。

10.Along with Orthodox and Cathopc leaders, senior Jewish figures may attend a repgious ceremony at the Katyn site in September.今年9月,除俄东正教与波基督教领袖外,著名犹太人士也可能一道参加在卡廷举行的宗教纪念活动。