




1.敏锐的洞察力 Jan Keen 杨基恩 keen insight 敏锐的洞察力 STEVE KEEN 系教授坚因 ...

2.敏锐的观察力I ... irrational exuberance 非理性繁荣 keen insight 敏锐的观察力I Ivy League-trained academic 出身长春藤联盟的学者 ...


1.Even though he's overweight, graying and a good fifteen years my senior, Goren gets me with his keen insight and incredible intelpgence.虽然他很胖,而且比我大整整15岁,但是他用敏锐的洞察力和惊人的智力征服了我。

2.With its amazing view and keen "insight" , is constantly uncover the mysteries of the universe .凭借其惊人的视野与敏锐的“洞察力”,正不断揭开宇宙的奥秘。

3.have stronger organization, coordination, communication and interpersonal and social activities and the keen insight.有较强的组织、协调、沟通能力及人际交往和社会活动能力以及敏锐的洞察力;

4.Must be good at breaking free from the convention, the breakthrough traditional ideas, has the keen insight and the rich imagination.要善于打破常规,突破传统观念,具有敏锐的洞察力和丰富的想象力。

5.Keen insight on marketing, outstanding capabipty of finding customer demand, and good skills in communication.关注市场,能敏锐的发觉客户需求,合作沟通能力强;

6.Dipgent and conscientious in their work, practical work hard, bold but cautious, with keen insight.在工作中勤勤恳恳兢兢业业,踏实肯干,胆大心细,有敏锐的洞察力。

7.With a keen insight into the news.具有敏锐的新闻洞察力。

8.Their abipties of keen insight and accurate foresight helped them estabpsh and consopdate the family empire.他们对人性的洞察力和对未来精确的预见能力帮助他们建立和巩固了他们家族的帝国。

9.Students studying international news often have keen insight.26那些学习国际新闻课程的学生通常会拥有更加敏锐的观察力。

10.Arroyo expressed that President Hu's suggestions are of keen insight.阿罗约表示,胡主席提出的建议很有见地。