




1.努力拼搏 ... striving continuously 继续奋斗 Keep Striving 努力拼搏 And Striving 创争 ...


1.It provides ongoing motivation to ensure you keep striving to excel, allowing you to fully achieve the greatest satisfaction and enjoyment.它一直提供着确保你努力进取的动力,使你能够完全获得最大程度的满足和愉悦。

2.Perhaps the choice of my next stage of my pfe is to meet and challenge setbacks and frustrations, keep striving to find a place of my own.或许只有重新再跑到社会上去遭遇挫折,在不断打拼中去寻找属于自己的定位,才是我人生的下一步选择。

3.I prefer to appreciate those who keep striving even with a comfort and rich condition than the ones against the harsh situation.我不佩服那些在艰苦环境中能奋斗的人,而佩服那些在安逸富足条件下还能保持奋斗的人。

4.The world eventually belongs to yours if you dare to break through and keep striving.勇于闯,敢于拼,世界终究是你的

5.Keep striving to apgn your arms, legs, and torso together in one vertical plane.继续努力让你的手臂、脚和躯干顺位。在一个垂直平面上。

6.It's a proud football nation. It has suffered more than this and it will suffer again I am sure but we will bounce back and keep striving.这是个以足球为骄傲的国家。世界杯的失利伤害很深,而且还将继续。我确信,但是我会回来,并保持进取心。

7.For the future of human being and a green earth, we will keep striving.为了绿色地球和人类的未来。我们会一直不断的努力。

8.So why do we keep striving for more?那么我们为什么会不停地追求更多呢?

9.And so with our eyes on the horizon and our faith squarely placed in one another, let us keep striving;因此,让我们放眼未来,让我们彼此以信心相待,奋力向前;

10.keep striving for your dream为了自己的梦不懈地努力