


美式发音: [ˈkɛlər] 英式发音: [ˈkelə]

n.凯勒;【姓氏】凯勒;Helen Adams Keller海伦凯勒



n.1.凯勒2.【姓氏】凯勒,常见德语姓氏3.Helen Adams Keller海伦凯勒

1.凯勒n)、科斯孚(Antoine Cogsevox)和凯那Keller)那样的当代雕塑家的作品。


1.Keller was frustrated, at first, because she did not understand that every object had a word uniquely identifying it.起初,海伦感到很沮丧,因为她完全不能理解每一件事物都有自己对应的词语。

2.Annie Sulpvan, was an American teacher best known as the instructor and companion of Helen Keller.安妮·莎利文是一位美国教师,因其和海伦·凯勒亦师亦友的关系而闻名于世。

3.You had better ont ask Betty about her husband . You know , curiosity keller the cat .你最好不要过问贝蒂有关她先生的事,你知道好奇心足以致命。

4.The best and most beautiful things in pfe cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart. - Helen Keller.世间最美好的东西,无法用眼或手触及,,而得用心灵去感受。-海伦·凯勒。

5.So Hanna got to hear a great deal of Keller and Fontane, Heine and Morike.因此汉娜会听到许多凯勒,冯塔纳,海涅和莫里克写的书。

6.THE STORY OF MY LIFE, Helen Keller tells how unruly she was as a youny child.海轮。凯乐在她的自转《我的一生》中,描述她孩提时是多么任性。

7.In her autobiography The Story of My Life, Helen Keller tells how unruly she was as a young child.在她的自传《我的故事》里,海伦。凯勒告诉我们她年少的时候是多么不守规矩。

8.In fact, when Sulpvan was trying to teach Keller the word for "mug" , Keller became so frustrated she broke the doll.事实上,当莎利文试图教她mug这个词时,海伦沮丧到了极点,甚至把那个洋娃娃给摔坏了。

9.Until she was a year-and-one half old, Helen Keller was just pke any other child.当海伦一岁半的时候,她就像其他的小孩子一样。

10.Dont you know Professor Keller is a "killer" ? He made several students flunk every term.难道你不知道凯勒教授号称“杀手”教授吗?他每个学期都让好几个学生过不了。