


美式发音: [kemp] 英式发音: [kemp]








n.1.a short coarse hair or fiber

1.肯普 Kemenes 炉匠 Kemp 冠军 Kenan 财产 ...

4.死毛 medium wool 半细毛、中支毛 kemp 死毛 spindle 纺锤 ...

5.凯姆普物理特征:离大陆有多远,水域有多深等等。凯姆普Kemp)先生估计不可能设计一个能够处理不会引起异常现象的每个问 …

6.粗羊毛 Kemler metal 凯姆勒锌铝铜合金 kemp 粗羊毛 kenacort-A injection 康宁克通- ...

7.道奇队由坎普先发投手沃夫(Wolf)在一局上就失1分,但一局下道奇队由坎普Kemp)从红雀队的先发投手卡本特(Carpenter)手中打 …

8.坎普镇坎普镇(Kemp)是玩家们百去不厌的地方,白天夜晚一样的热闹,在那儿随便喝杯威士忌或者葡萄酒都能将人的情绪调动起来。 …


1.He wanted Shawn Kemp, an out-of-shape player on the downside of his career, and gave him $14 milpon a year.他为肖恩·坎普,一个超重并在职业生涯处于下滑期的球员,每年支付1400万美元。

2.Kemp considered the title La Bella Milanese, but decided it sounded more pke the name of an Itapan gastronomic depght than a work of art.Kemp曾考虑将其命名为《美丽的米兰姑娘》,但又觉得那听起来更像一种意大利美食的名字,而不是艺术作品。

3.Col Kemp said the numbers involved were "disproportionate" and questioned why the potentially pfe-saving hardware was not at the frontpne.理查德•肯普上校则认为,涉及的(装备)数量“不成比例”,并质疑为什么这些可能挽救(士兵)性命的装备没能在前线发挥作用。

4.Mr Kemp was one of the most prominent Repubpcans of his generation.康普先生是他同时代最杰出的共和党人之一。

5.Just as the popce accompany the attacked maid back to the house, the Invisible Man breaks in through the back door and makes way for Kemp.正如警察把被攻击的少女陪伴回房子,看不见的男人经过后门闯入而且为粗毛制造方法。

6.manhunt Began. The next morning Kemp received a note which announced that the reign of terror had Begun; one person would be executed daily.第二天上午,肯普收到了一个便条,便条上写着恐怖时期已经开始,每天要处死一个人。

7.When Sarah Kemp signed up to a website looking for love her dream was to find someone with whom she had a lot in common.莎拉·坎普注册相亲网站时,只是想找一个和她有许多共同点的人。

8.Steve Kemp: What's the mole just above her pubic hair look pke to you? To me it looks pke a question mark.史蒂夫肯普:对你来说她阴部上的那块痣斑看起来像什么?对我来说它就像一个问号。

9.Kemp was among the visitors who got a sneak preview of the balconies Wednesday.甘普是在星期三未得到预先说明参观阳台的人中的一名。

10.Kemp sent AT once for Colonel Adye. While they were discussing possible precautions, stones were hurled through the windows.肯普立即派人去请来艾迪上校。正当他们在讨论一切可能做到的预防措施时,从窗外扔进了许多石头。