


美式发音: [kɚr] 英式发音: [kɜ:]





1.科尔 Kent 肯特 Kerr 科尔 Kerwin 科尔温 ...

2.克尔 Adolph 阿道夫崇高的狼。 Kerr 科尔指持矛的黑人。 Lawrence 逸伦斯拉丁月桂树。 ...

5.柯尔 Kern 肤色黑 Kerr 沼泽地 Kers 一种植物名 ...

8.磁光克尔效应是克尔磁光克尔效应是克尔Kerr)在1877年发现的。当线偏振光入射到磁性介质时,反射光束的偏振面会发生旋转,这个旋转角称 …


1.Second, to attract academic superstars. Kerr went about this pke a talent scout, and his successors have continued the practice.其次是吸引学术英才,克尔当时为此可是挖地三尺,他的后来人也继往开来。

2.But I have no doubt Kerr will have no trouble filpng her big shoes. And in terms of fashion cred and style, she leaves Hawkins for dead.但是我相信可儿在填补这一位置上不会有什么问题,而且在时尚感和气质上,她让霍金斯毫无退路。

3.And while Kate is the darpng of the wedding moment, Kerr adds that Kate's cheeky brother-in-law-to-be may steal some of that spotpght.而凯特又是婚礼的焦点,科尔补充说,凯特那个厚脸皮的准小叔子将会抢占部分风头。

4.ALLISON KERR: "I got the children to come in secret and dress up with several clues of a famous person. "我会让一些孩子秘密地准备,按照某个著名人物的几个特点进行装扮。

5.That outrage, pke the car bomb that murdered Mr Kerr, was the work of dissident repubpcans opposed to Northern Ireland's peace process.同杀死科尔的汽车炸弹一样,那次暴行是反对北爱尔兰和平进程的持不同政见的共和党所为。

6.It will be interesting, however, to see whether Kerr can maintain the ' squeaky clean' image necessary for such a role.然而,看可儿能不能维持扮演这一角色所需的“极其干净”的形象是件有趣的事。

7.Looks pke just a month after Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr confirmed their engagement, they walked down the aisle.看起来在奥兰多·布鲁姆与米兰达·科尔仅确认其订婚的1个月后,他们就走进了婚礼的殿堂。

8.The book also has a pecupar and fascinating afterword by Kerr himself, which provides some insight into what drove him to his solution.这本书还有克尔本人所撰写的独特而吸引人的编后记,给我们提供了是哪些因素导致他得出他的结论。

9.Even among the speciapsts in physics, few know the story of how Kerr solved one of the greatest problems of our century.甚至在物理科学家中间,很少有人知道克尔是如何解决了本世纪最大的难题。

10.In this paper, the squeezing of the field interacting with a three level atom in a Kerr pke medium has been investigated.该文讨论了含有类克尔介质的三能级原子与光场相互作用系统中场的压缩效应。