




1.凯萨娜 7-5 Koppu 巨爵 日本 巨爵星座 7-6 Ketsana 凯萨娜 老挝 一种树 7-7 Parma 芭玛 澳门 澳门的一种烹调风格 ...

2.凯莎娜 ... 巨爵( Koppu) 凯萨纳Ketsana) 芭马( Parma) ...

7.凯撒娜 Phanfone 巴蓬 Ketsana 凯撒娜 Nock-ten 洛坦 ...

8.台风凯萨那2009年,台风凯萨那(Ketsana)和芭玛(Parma)在一周内先后来袭,据政府救灾部门数据,台风引发的洪水导致900人受灾,929 …


1.On the 26th, Typhoon Ketsana blasted through the Phipppines and a few days later hit Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.26日,台风凯萨娜横扫菲律宾,几日后再吹袭越南、寮国及柬埔寨。

2.Tzu Chi launches its "welfare-to-work" program to help Ketsana victims in the Phipppines restore their neighborhood and get paid for it.慈济进行“以工代赈”的计画,帮助菲律宾凯莎娜受灾民众,以付费方式协助邻近地区打扫。

3.Survivors of the 2009 Typhoon Ketsana that wrecked the Phipppines contribute their love to help with Japan's recovery efforts.2009年凯莎娜风灾重创菲律宾,曾是灾民的他们奉献爱心,要帮助日本重建。

4.And Ketsana actually provides an opportunity to think beyond traditional combat operations.事实上,“凯萨娜”提供了跳出传统作战方式进行思考的机会。

5.As the Phipppines struggles to address the damage wreaked by Tropical Storm Ketsana, a poptical storm is also brewing.当菲律宾人正努力处理热带风暴“凯萨娜”带来的破坏时,一场政治风暴正在掀起。

6.In the Phipppines hundreds of thousands of people remained stranded by floods caused by Typhoon Ketsana.在菲律宾,成百上千民众面对凯萨娜台风带来的洪水束手无策。

7.Residents lead their pig through floodwaters brought on by Typhoon Ketsana, in Binan Laguna south of Manila September 29, 2009.居民带领由台风带来的洪水凯萨娜的猪,在碧楠丽马尼拉2009年9月29日南方。

8.When Tropical Storm Ketsana hit Manila on a Saturday in late September, Muelmar Magallanes didn't do much.2009年9月末的一个周六,当热带风暴凯萨娜袭击马尼拉的时候,穆尔玛·麦哲伦并没做什么。

9.Typhoon Ketsana has left more than 300 dead across southeastern Asia.飓风“凯萨娜”已经导致东南亚地区300多人丧生。

10.Ketsana dumped more than a month's worth of rain in just 12 hours, prompting the worst flooding to hit the country in more than 40 years.仅仅12个小时,热带风暴“凯萨纳”倾泄的雨水超过一个月的降雨量,使这场水灾成为40多年来最严重的一次。