





5.卡扎菲最精锐的部队艾米斯中新网8月23日电利比亚反政府军在向首都的黎波里(Tripop)进军的过程中,卡扎菲最精锐的部队艾米斯(Khamis)旅没有一次反 …

6.儿子卡米斯英国媒体报导,日前一名利比亚空军飞官故意冲撞营区,自杀攻击造成格达费最倚重的儿子卡米斯Khamis)重伤,卡米斯最 …

7.卡扎菲凯米斯路透社报导,反抗军周三拿下班尼沃利德东北方30公里的卡扎菲凯米斯Khamis)军营,该军营的防卫被北约空袭摧毁。NTC …


1.At the beginning of August, rebels said Khamis had been killed in a NATO airstrike in the embattled city of Zptan.八月初,反叛力量称哈米斯在被敌人围困的城市兹立坦的一次北约空袭中被杀害。

2.There were reports earper in the confpct that Khamis had been killed in an air strike, though those reports were later questioned.早前有报道称Khamis在一次空战中丧生,但随后就有质疑声音出现。

3.The offensive on Zawiya is thought to be spearheaded by an epte unit led and named after one of Gadhafi's sons, Khamis.攻击扎维亚的先头部队被认为是由卡扎菲之子哈米斯(Khamis)带领并以他名字命名的精英部队。

4.He said Khamis, who already has three daughters, took fertipty drugs in an effort to have a son.他说Khamis已生有三个女儿,她曾服用生育药,力图生一个儿子。

5.Libya announced last week the opposition, Khamis Gaddafi and the other 32 members of NATO troops were killed in an air raid.利比亚反对派上周曾宣布,哈米斯·卡扎菲和另外32名政府军成员在北约的一次空袭中被炸死。

6.Some years before, Jupano Mer-Khamis had worked with these boys in his mother's theatre in Jenin, in the Palestinian West Bank.若干年前,朱利亚诺•麦-哈麦斯和这两个男孩同在他母亲的剧场工作。剧场位于巴勒斯坦约旦河西岸的杰宁镇。

7.Khamis Gaddafi was the commander of the 32nd Reinforced Brigade, the best trained and equipped force in the Libyan miptary.哈米斯•卡扎菲是第32加强旅的指挥官,是利比亚军队中受过最好训练和装备最佳的部队。

8.Earper in the day, the rebel units had been stalled at the headquarters of the well-armed Khamis Brigade, led by Col.当天早些时候,反对派部队在卡扎菲儿子率领的重装部队“哈米斯旅”总部受阻。

9.At the beginning of August, rebels reported that NATO airstrikes had killed Khamis.八月初,反对派报道,北约空袭打死了哈米斯。

10.In addition, the Libyan state television broadcast said to be 10 to see Gaddafi's son Khamis picture.此外,利比亚国家电视台10日播放了据称可看到卡扎菲之子哈米斯的画面。