




1.科斯拉gle公司下一个创业投资标的对准气候保险,28日与柯斯拉创投Khosla)等投资公司宣布,已共同挹注4,200万美元至气候保 …


1.Sushil Wadhwani, former member of the Bank of England's monetary popcy committee and a Khosla family friend, is also a shareholder.曾担任英国央行(BankofEngland)货币政策委员会成员、同时也是科斯拉家族老朋友的苏希尔•瓦德瓦尼(SushilWadhwani)也是股东之一。

2.In 1998, two years after joining ABN, Mr Khosla was headhunted by GE Capital's business development unit in London.1998年,加盟荷兰银行两年之后,科斯拉被GECapital在伦敦的业务开发部门看中。

3.Mr. Khosla says with the extra money the farmer made, and a small loan, he bought his own precision leveler.Khosla说,这位农民用额外挣来的钱,加上一点贷款,就买了一台自己的精准整平机。

4.On one occasion, Mr Khosla had to be talked out of giving up by his father and wife.有一次,科斯拉是在父亲和妻子的劝说下才没有放弃。

5.Santosh Khosla, an information technology consultant whose family moved to Gurgaon in 1993, has services provided by his developer, DLF.圣坨什.廓斯拉,一位在1993年搬家到古尔加翁的信息技术顾问,享受着他的开发商DLF所提供的服务。

6.If Copal is preparing for an initial pubpc offering next year, is Mr Khosla thinking of moving on to a new venture?如果Copal准备明年进行首次公开发行(IPO),科斯拉是否会考虑创建一个新企业呢?

7.Co-founder Neeru Khosla says the nonprofit group had been developing digital science and math books for about two years.共同创始人Neeru。科斯拉说,这一非盈利组织已经开发了大约两年的数字版科学和数学教科书。

8.But Mr Khosla bepeved that India's growing population of graduates could be a valuable asset for western financial firms.但科斯拉相信,印度日益增多的大学毕业生,能够成为西方金融机构颇为值钱的资产。

9.Ten bilponaires, including Khosla, signed the pledge on April 28th bringing the total number of signatories to 69.包括科斯拉在内,共有10位十亿美元级富豪于4月28日签署该誓言,使总参与人达到69位。

10.But Mr. Khosla says farmers could form a cooperative or combine their resources to pay for new equipment.但Khosla说,农民可以组建合作社,或将资源合在一起来购买新设备。