

kick up

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第三人称单数:kicks up  现在分词:kicking up  过去式:kicked up  



na.1.to make something go up into the air2.to complain very angrily about someone or something

1.踢角 ... 避震器预压( Shock preload) 踢角( kick-up) 反蹲( Anti-squat) ...

2.翻罐笼 ... Kick It Up 沸腾 ; 调高温度 kick-up 翻车器 ; 翻罐笼 kick-up block [机] 阻车器 ...


1.No , not at all . . . I'm loving it . I feel we are in need of a bit of a kick up the proverbial! ! Keep going please . . .不,完全没有…我非常喜欢它。我感到我们有些必要抬高这种谚语的表达方式!!!请继续吧…

2.One investor said: "If there is no pre-emption element, the deal would have to be overwhelmingly convincing for us not to kick up a stink. "一位投资者表示:“如果没有优先购买权,要想让我们不闹事,该交易必须具有压倒一切的说服力。”

3.There was chaos in the ranks and someone began to kick up a row. The high officer almost lost his head and did not know how to deal with it.队伍一片喧闹,很多人开始起哄,首长也手足无措,不知如何处理。可是很快,战士们安静下来,静的想是死了一样。

4.But sometimes messengers deserve to be, if not shot, then at least given a sharp kick up the backside.散布者应当被处死,或者如果不是枪杀,至少要狠狠踢在他后背一脚。

5.What will count now is the spine to see through controversial investigations, however much fuss the grocers and the rest of them kick up.现在重要的是要有勇气看穿有争议的调查,不管各超市和其他人怎么起哄。

6.It's Bill's last chance to kick up his heels, you know--he's getting married the next morning.那是bill的最后机会出来玩了,他将于星期四早上结婚了。

7.a swimming stroke in which the arms are thrown forward together out of the water while the feet kick up and down.一种游泳方式既胳膊伸出水面一起向前划而脚向下蹬。

8.Rather than kick up and down, try to snap your feet down and inward.不要上下打腿,而是尝试同时向下向内打腿。

9.He became chief executive in 1999 after a failed takeover bid for his bank, which he says "was a big kick up the backside" .“很受挫”的标行收购后,99年他成了总裁。

10.I've studied all day. Now I'm going to kick up my heels. . .我已经学了一整天了,现在我要好好玩一下…