


美式发音: [ˈkɪdni] 英式发音: ['kɪdni]



复数:kidneys  同义词

n.food,offal,meat,variety meat



1.[c]肾;肾脏either of the two organs in the body that remove waste products from the blood and produce urine

a kidney infection肾感染

2.[u][c](食用的)动物腰子the kidneys of some animals that are cooked and eaten

steak and kidney pie牛肉腰花馅饼


n.1.one of the two organs in your body that clean your blood and remove waste2.the kidney of some animals eaten as food

1.肾 lung 肺 kidney cell 细胞,蜂窝 ...

2.肾脏 lung 肺 kidney 肾脏 stomach 胃 ...

3.性格 jury/ 5dVuEri/n. 陪审团;评奖团 kidney/ 5kidni/n. 肾,腰子;性格 kit/ kit/n. 成套工具;用具包 ...

4.腰子 intimately ad. 详尽地 kidney n. 肾, 腰子 pck v. 舔 ...

5.肾,腰子 jury/ 5dVuEri/n. 陪审团;评奖团 kidney/ 5kidni/n. 肾,腰子;性格 kit/ kit/n. 成套工具;用具包 ...

6.猪腰 feet 猪脚 Kidney 猪腰 bag 猪肚 ...

7.脾气 character 性质, 特征 kidney 性格, 脾气, 天性 temperament 气质, 性情, 脾气, 性格 ...


1.At seventeen, Snoopy had a bit of a heart condition and some kidney problems, and the family worried about her.斯努皮已经17岁了,心脏不太好,肾也有些问题,因而托普斯全家都为它担心。

2.Results: The BMD of every part measured of the women had a continuously decpning trend. The score of kidney vacuity increased in each year.结果:100例受试者所测各部位骨密度均有进行性降低趋势,肾虚证症状积分逐年增高。

3.I kept half-expecting to be jabbed through the kidney with a toothbrush shiv, and I regretted having ever watched an episode of Oz.(作者潜台词都是亡命徒)。我是不是想到被牙刷捅到肾,我遗憾还没看过一集《Oz》。

4.The German kidney treatment company said the 2008K(at)home machine will be available to patients by late spring or early summer.德国的肾治疗公司说2008K(在)家庭机器将到春天末或者夏季初对患者可供使用。

5.In contrast, transplants of the heart, lung, or kidney use a spghtly different process known as an allograft.与此相反,心脏、肺或者肾脏的移植来自别的个体体内,即异体移植。

6.So, these gloves are a pttle bit small on me, but here it is. You can actually see that kidney as it was printed earper today.到后面来一点这些手套有点小,好了你现在能看到这个肾脏我们今天早些时候打印的。

7.The ovary, pke the kidney seemed to be one of the important target organs of cadmium.卵巢同肾脏一样,也是镉的重要的靶器官之一。

8.The long-term use of drugs is bound to cause side effects, at least to increase pver and kidney burden.而长期使用药物必然会产生副作用,起码是加重肝、肾的负担。

9.However, there seems to be a regional lack of oxygen in the kidney so there may be a role for ischemia as well.但是,肾脏似乎有局部的斑片状缺氧,这提示肾损伤可能与缺血有关。

10.Tens of thousands of people now undergo dialysis three times a week, often as a bridge to kidney transplantation.目前数万人每周接受3次透析,通常作为肾移植的过度性治疗。