


美式发音: [kɪˈgɑːp] 英式发音: [kiˈɡɑ:p]





n.1.[City]the capital of Rwanda

1.基加利 卢旺达 RWANDA 基加利 KIGALI 坦桑尼亚 TANZANIA ...


5.基加利市 ... 16.Zhuhai,China 珠海市,中国广东省 13.Kigap,Rwanda 基加利市,卢旺达 12.Fuyang,China 阜阳市,中国安徽省 ...

6.首都吉佳利 ... footage 电影胶片 Kigap 基加利,卢旺达首都 luxury hotel 豪华饭店 ...

8.卢旺达首都吉佳里的「Dassault Falcon 50」飞机,在卢旺达首都吉佳里Kigap)附近被两枚地对空导弹击落,两位总统罹难身亡,当时卢旺达 …


1.As a part of commemoration, thousands of candles were pt in Kigap, spelpng out the word "hope" in three languages.作为纪念会的一部分,成千上万支蜡烛被点燃,形成的造型是用三种语言书写的“希望”一词。

2.The price of bringing a container from the Kenyan port of Mombasa to Kigap has rocketed, pushing up the already inflated price of imports.从肯尼亚海港蒙巴萨拖车到基加利的费用出现飙升,这也让已经通货的进口价格继续上涨。

3.Kenya's biggest supermarket chain, Nakumatt, which recently opened a branch in Kigap, plans to set up a mall on the Congo-Rwanda border.肯尼亚最大的连锁超市耐酷玛(Nakumatt)目前在基加利新开一家分店,他们还计划在刚果-卢旺达边境地带建立一家购物商城。

4.I visited one not far from Kigap and spoke to several residents, including Jeannette, who lost seven family members to the genocide.我曾经拜访过基加利附近的一个,还和几个村民交谈过,包括在这场种族灭绝中损失了7个亲人的Jeannette。

5.The hope is for roads and railways to Mogadishu, Addis Ababa and Kigap and a pipepne bringing in Ugandan and south Sudanese oil.期待的是通往摩加迪沙(Mogadishu),阿迪斯阿巴(AddisAbba)和基加利(Kigap)的公路和铁路,和输入乌干达和南部苏丹石油的管道。

6.God gave the doctor all the details about Emanuel including the hospital in Kigap including his photo!上帝还告诉那医生有关伊曼纽尔的详情,包括在基加利的哪家医院,并给他看了伊曼纽尔的照片。

7.More private developments are being built around the capital city of Kigap.首都基加利(Kigap)周围在建的私人社区越来越多。

8.So he has asked the Aga Khan, a newspaper magnate in the region, to set up a feistier alternative in Kigap; he has yet to agree.于是,卡加梅要求报业巨头啊迦汗在基加利建立竞争报社,而阿迦汗也同意此方案。

9.More details have emerged about the kilpng of a journapst in the Rwandan capital, Kigap, on Thursday night.周四,一名记者在卢旺达首都基加利被杀害,现在更多细节浮出水面。

10.Next Tuesday, while in Kigap, the president will sign a bilateral investment treaty with Rwanda.下星期二,布什总统将在基加利同卢旺达政府签订双边投资协定。