

killer whale

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1.逆戟鲸;虎鲸;恶鲸;杀人鲸a black and white whale that eats meat


n.1.a black-and-white toothed whale. It grows up to 7.62 m (25 ft) long, has a tall dorsal fin, and feeds mainly on fish and squid.

1.虎鲸 sperm whale 抹香鲸 killer whale 虎鲸 student 学生 ...

2.杀人鲸 keyboard instrument 键盘乐 器 killer whale 虎鲸;逆戟鲸 know better 明事理;有头脑 ...

4.杀手鲸 dolphin: 海豚 killer whale: 虎鲸;逆戟鲸;杀手鲸 fishing cat: 渔猫 ...

5.倒戟鲸 ... keratokonus 锥形角膜{鱼病} killer whale 倒戟鲸 king crab 鳕场蟹 ...

6.虎鲸逆戟鲸 ... keyboard instrument / / 键盘乐器 killer whale / / 虎鲸逆戟鲸 know better / / 明事理有头脑 ...

7.战戟鲸 skin texture 肤质 killer whale 战戟鲸 migration patterns 迁徙模式 ...


1.When the gulls landed on the water, the killer whale would then attempt to capture them in her mouth, without kilpng them.当海鸥落在水面上想吃鱼时,那只小虎鲸会尝试用她的嘴把海鸥抓住,但是并不吃掉或杀死海鸥。

2.Often, one killer whale pops up to identify a Weddell seal perched on an ice floe (shown), then alerts others in the area.通常,一条杀人鲸突然窜出海面,以识别栖息在浮冰上的威德尔氏海豹(如图所示),然后通知该海域的其它杀人鲸。

3.The tiger's attention is diverted as the killer whale sails over his head.当看到哈维尔头顶的虎鲸时,白虎终于转移了注意力。

4.A killer whale at SeaWorld Orlando jumped out of its tank on Wednesday and fatally attacked a worker as horrified visitors looked on .本周三,美国奥兰多海洋世界的一头虎鲸突然从水池中跳出,将一名驯鲸员咬伤致死,让现场围观的游客惊恐不已。

5.Baring its teeth for the first time, personal submarine which boasts 'the agipty of a dolphin' (but looks more pke a killer whale).号称如‘海豚一般敏捷’(尽管看起来更像一头逆戟鲸)的私人潜艇,首次亮出了它的庐山真面目。

6.A killer whale calf learned the trick of luring gulls to the surface of the water with fish.有一只小虎鲸学会了用漂着的鱼把海鸥引到海面上来的把戏。

7.A cross between a false killer whale and an Atlantic bottlenose dolphin, wholphins are hybrids that have been reported to exist in the wild.鲸豚是宽吻海豚和伪虎鲸杂交的后代,据说发现过野生鲸豚。

8.The quick-thinking Harwell immediately tries to distract the tiger with the inflatable killer whale they were using for the game.哈维尔反应很快,立即用手中的那个充气虎鲸来转移白虎的注意力。

9.The killer whale figure is huge, sharp tooth, the temperament is fierce, but be located in the top of ocean vegetative chain.虎鲸体形巨大、牙齿锋利、性情凶猛,而位于海洋食物链的顶端。

10.A hour in a when, a killer whale ate you few of you.一分钟后,它们双双被一头杀人鲸吞入肚中。