




1.金博尔 Dewey( 得威) Kimball( 金贝尔) Linda( 琳达) ...

3.金柏 Kim 金 战争的首领 Kimball 金柏 战争的首领 Kirk 科克 教会 ...

4.金宝他的肩膀上,他回头一看,原来是他最敬爱的主日学老师金宝(Kimball),还记得有一次他找不到约翰福音,金宝老师适时地把 …


6.金布尔最早确定其起源的人中,有一个金布尔kimball)是这样描写它的:“受到阿拉伯式图案(arabesque)风格启示,在画面上, …

7.金伯耳② 金伯耳(Kimball)效应。强磁体磁化后,由于形变而引起刚性变化。

8.金博尔国际金博尔国际(Kimball)办公家具宣布新的行政任命2013-03-05Steelcase办公家具裁员300人,降低薪资成本2013-02-25 HNI办公 …


1."It was the stupidest thing this country ever did, " said Undersecretary of the Navy Dan Kimball, who tried to keep Qian in the U.“这是这个国家做过的最蠢的事,”海军副司令金贝尔说,他企图把钱留下。

2.Kimball admits some of his cpents may be a bit too paranoid.TrentKimball承认他的部分顾客是有点过于忧虑了,但是他们中的大部分确实有必要这样。

3.Kimball says he's confident the company has never inadvertently sold to a drug lord.TrentKimball非常自信的说他肯定他公司的车一定不会由于疏忽而卖给贩毒集团。

4."It was the stupidest thing this country ever did, " former Navy Secretary Dan Kimball said later.“这是美国做的最愚蠢的决定。”前任海军秘书丹-金柏说道。

5."The regulations in Europe , in general , around food are much stricter than the U. S. , " Kimball says .他说,“通常意义来说,欧洲的饮食标准比美国更为严格”。

6.Jonathan Kimball is director for Central and Southeastern Europe in the U. S. Department of Commerce.乔纳森·金博尔(JonathanKimball)是美国商务部(U.S.DepartmentofCommerce)中欧及东南欧事务司司长。

7.Signature pricing is "based on market conditions, " says Fred Kimball, the boss of Kimball Petition Management, the oldest of these firms.签名价格“基于市场行情”。弗莱德凯姆鲍尔,凯姆鲍尔倡议管理处(这些公司中历史最长的)总监说。

8.Kimball Cho: That's where he stares at the back of her neck for several hours. Women love that.周:秋波就是他盯着人后颈看好几个小时。女人都爱这个。

9.Daryl Kimball, Executive Director of the Arms Control Association, a private research firm, says that treaty helped end the Cold War.金伯尔是私人机构“武器控制协会”的主任。他说,这项条约帮助结束了冷战时期。

10.Bobby Kimball, vocapst for the rock band Toto, and Chris Thompson, most famous for his work with Manfred Mann's Earth Band, sang the song.鲍比金,歌手的摇滚乐队托托,克里斯汤普森,最著名的工作与曼弗雷德曼的地球乐团,演唱了歌曲。